How to Turn Your Love of Fitness Into a Job as a Personal Trainer or Fitness Instructor

in Business, Fitness

Every year, scores of people explore establishing a career in fitness and health. But most have no notion how to make their goal a reality.  This article—written for both novice and seasoned fitness enthusiasts outlines some of the things to think about when making your love of fitness into a career choice.

Decide what you want to do

Despite how straightforward this appears to be, most people do not begin with this kind of thinking in mind. Instead, they just look at what is on offer to them.  As a fitness professional, you will most likely wish to be self-employed and, at some point, to own and operate your own profitable fitness company. It is critical to be crystal clear about the desired objective from the beginning.

The concept of first getting things straight applies to your potential clientele as well. They must resist rushing into the next diet program, gym membership offer, or even personal training session without first establishing a clear understanding of what it is that they really want.

Be confident

There are going to be plenty of challenges along the way, but while it is important to be aware of them, don’t let them put you off pursuing your dream.

The most important one is confidence. You are retraining, perhaps doing a calisthenics trainer certification, and then asking clients to pay you to help them get great results, without years of experience behind you. That takes some guts! However, bear in mind that if you appear to be lacking in confidence, clients will find someone else. They often fear fitness themselves and are hoping that you will give them the confidence that they need. If nothing else, you need to fake it until you make it!

Learn how to run a business

It is not sufficient to simply be a good personal trainer or fitness instructor.  As a personal trainer nowadays, it is critical to have a solid understanding of marketing and sales.

Consider providing a free coaching call, trial, training session, or assessment to allow people to experience before they buy. This session should be used mostly to assess their requirements and to stimulate discussion about what they want and what is preventing them from attaining. Show them your different packages and explicitly outline the benefits of each in relation to the difficulties that came up during your discussion, you can encourage individuals to move on to the next step of the process. Once they know you can give them what they need, they will stop looking around and book you.

Concentrate your marketing language on results rather than on your training and certainly not on you. Talk about the outcomes you can assist them in achieving. Do not make yourself the focal point, either; photographs and videos of you working out do not attract customers. Everything should be centered around them. Make use of your clients’ experiences and accomplishments in your advertising, including their journey and the results and outcomes they achieve!

Image Credits: Jonathan Borba

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