3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Kids From Sexual Abuse

in Health & Well-being

In today’s world, it seems rare when we don’t wake up to a news story about a horrible abuse of power or someone who’s taken advantage of another. What makes these stories hit so hard for parents is when the victim of these crimes is a child.

While parents want to do everything in their power to keep their children safe, you simply can’t be with your little ones every minute of every day to protect them from others who might want to cause them harm. But with the right training and education, you can help your children learn how to protect themselves and come to you for help when it’s needed.

To show you how you can get your children to this point, here are three things you can do to protect your kids from sexual abuse.

Teach Your Child Proper Boundaries For Bodies

One of the first and most important things you should teach your kids in order to keep their bodies safe is what safe boundaries are for their bodies.

According to Rainn.org, you should inform your kids that no one has a right to touch their bodies, even people they know. If someone is touching them in a way they don’t like, explain that they can tell that person to stop and then get help from you or another trusted adult.

Additionally, you’ll also want to teach your kids about their own bodies and what parts of theirs they need to keep private. Along with this, teach your kids that those same areas are private on other people as well and should never be shown or touched.

Learn About “Grooming”

In many cases of child sexual abuse, the child will know their abuser. This thought can be very scary for parents, especially when you consider how many adults your children might interact with on a regular basis.

To help both you and your children know if you’re trusting the right people, Dr. Kathryn Seifert, a contributor to Psychology Today, recommends that you learn about “grooming” and how sex offenders gain the trust of their victims. If you notice any red flags that could be considered “grooming”—like always being around kids and having few adult friends—you should view these things as red flags.

Minimize One-on-one Time With Teens or Adults

To help keep your child out of situations where abuse could easily take place, Kavita Varma-White, a contributor to Today.com, recommends that you minimize the amount of time your child spends one-on-one with teens or adults.

By keeping these interactions in public places or with other people around, you can reduce the chances of abuse taking place behind closed doors.

To help keep your children safe from predators, consider using the tips mentioned above to help teach your children how to stay safe from sexual abuse.

Image Credits: Ann Danilina

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