3 Ways to Boost Business Productivity While Working Remotely

in Business

Current times are putting teams to the test in an entirely different way than we ever imagined, with millions of people across the globe working from home while still aiming to meet goals and work productively as a team. In the UK, all “non-essential” travel and contact with others has been suspended, with public transport to work only being permitted “where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home.” Prior to COVID-19, many British companies were already giving employees a taste of remote work, with the Office of National Statistics stating that by 2020, around 50% of the workforce would work remotely. If your team has always worked in-office and you wish to keep productivity (and team morale) high, you may find the following three tips useful.

Data Automation

Data automation (DA) – the use of automatic processes or systems that collect, process and store data – can help managers glean a better understanding of the work being carried out by different members of a team. DA can sync up various activities such as e-conferences, emails, and new contacts into your company’s CRM (customer relationship management) software system. This way, both managers and employees in different departments (from marketing to sales) will have access to real-time client data. Thus, clients can receive accurate, personalised service from the staff they deal with. CRM platforms can also help increase sales, leads, and customer retention.

Resource Management Software

When staff are working on various projects at once, resource management software enables managers to see which staff member is working on which project, take note of whether or not schedules are being met, and foresee profitability. The same software can be used to assign resources, analyse the financial gains from these allocations, and search for new resources. Keeping clients happy means delivering projects on time, but sometimes, aspects of a particular project may require additional time. The software can be used by staff to request extensions if needed, and to present metrics and reports required by managers.

Efficient Communication

Staff should be able to communicate quickly and effectively through tools such as Google Drive, Slack and Hubstaff. Many of these tools enable staff to communicate within a group or to send personal messages to specific staff members. Groups can be created for specific projects, but this software can also be used to generate meeting hubs for staff to brainstorm or simply connect after a long day of working alone.

Image Credits: Claudio Schwarz

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