3 Ways to Prepare for Forecasted Extreme Weather

in Lifestyle

In recent years, it seems like more places are experiencing extreme weather conditions that they haven’t had to deal with in the past. And while bad weather can be inconvenient in some situations, it can also turn deadly.

To give yourself the best chance of surviving when bad weather is headed your way, here are three ways you can prepare for forecasted extreme weather.

Remove Potential Hazards

As you think about preparing for bad weather that might be coming to your city, you’ll first want to consider what types of weather you’re most likely to experience. While it’s wise to think through all scenarios, some areas might be more prone to things like flood, tornado, hurricanes, fire, or other weather phenomena.

Once you know what extreme weather is forecasted to be coming your way, it’s a good idea to start preparing your home and property for the outside. According to Weather.gov, you should go around your property looking for potential hazards that should be removed or contained. For example, if you have trees around your property, you might want to trim them back to protect both the trees and your home or property. And for other items, if you can, try to move things inside to a safe area.

But if you can’t move them inside, look for ways that you can secure those items so they don’t get moved or thrown around during the extreme weather event. And in some situations, it might make more sense to put up a temporary structure to cover your items that can’t be moved or safely secured on their own.

Gather Necessary Supplies

When bad weather is on its way, there’s no telling how much damage there will actually be until the storm is done. So to make sure you’re ready for anything, you’ll want to gather all necessary supplies before the storm hits.

According to David Wood, a contributor to Study.com, some of the supplies you’ll need to have on-hand include water, nonperishable food, a flashlight, a radio, a whistle, a first aid kit, hygiene items, medications, some cash, blankets, and anything else that you think you might need or could use in a tight spot.

Hunker Down

In most situations, the safest place for you to be when severe weather hits is in your home.

Knowing this, Eric Markowitz, a contributor to Inc.com, recommends that you should close your business and head home if extreme weather is headed your way. This will keep you as well as your staff and customers safe. And once you’re home, hunker down in order to best protect yourself and your belongings.

If there’s bad weather forecasted to come your way soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you prepare.

Image Credits: Mick Haupt

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