5 Achievable New Year’s Resolutions

in Lifestyle

Is this the year you stick to your New Year’s resolutions? A recent YouGov survey found that one in four Brits planned to make at least one for 2020 – yet the majority didn’t make theirs last the year before. With a little perseverance, however, they can become a genuinely useful tool for self-improvement.

Some of the reasons we fail include making our targets too unrealistic, too vague or too strict. Here are five achievable New Year’s resolutions, with plenty of tips on how to make yours stick.

Make a budget

Is budgeting another one of those things you know you should be doing but have continued to ignore? The simplest way to make a budget and track your spending is to get an app to do it for you! Many banks now offer handy budgeting features within their native apps for free.

It’s also a good idea to set up direct debits for your bills and savings to make sure you cover your priority areas first.

Eat more fruit and veg

Most of us know we need to be eating more fruit and veg. It’s good for our health, and better for the environment too. Create your target based on your existing habits; if you’re eating none, for example, aim to start eating three a day – and so on.

The same idea goes for meat-free meals. Introduce one a week and pick up tasty recipes wherever you can; many supermarkets hand them out in-store for free.

Travel more

Do you want to make this the year you finally explore the world around you? Booking your transport in advance is an effective way to get a date in the diary and save money in the process.

That goes for your hometown too. Tickets for trains from Clapham Junction to London Victoria are available months in advance, for example – why not be a tourist for the day?

Find time for exercise

Regular exercise has proven benefits for your physical and mental health, but it’s not always easy to fit it around a busy schedule. That doesn’t mean you should use time restrictions as an excuse, however. Why not skip the gym, load up a YouTube video and do a 20-minute HIIT workout at home instead?

If you’re a regular gym-goer already, focus an extra five minutes on your weak spot three times a week and see how quickly you improve.

Create a better work/life balance

Does your work regularly creep into your personal life? Are you guilty of checking work emails even when you’re on holiday? Learning to switch off can lead to better sleep, reduced stress and improved mental health.

Try imposing a time curfew on checking your phone or remove your work email account. Creating the architecture to achieve your goals is half the battle.

Do you fancy your chances this year? Remember to not be too hard on yourself. Sometimes you’ll slip up and that’s okay. Resist the urge to give up, own it, and get back on track.

Image Credits: Jude Beck

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