5 Changes That Will Turn Your Interior into a Modern Oasis

in Home Improvement

Since our homes are where we spend the majority of our free time, it is only logical that we want to create a space that will enable us to relax and unwind after a busy day. Not only that but we usually love to make our interiors reflect our own personal styles and what better way to do so than to give your house a complete makeover and turn into a stunning modern oasis.

But how exactly can you do that? There are, of course, numerous advice regarding this topic that can easily be found online but the thing to remember is that – realistically – nobody knows what exactly makes you feel good or what you actually like. So, while these are definitely just some tips and ideas, they might inspire you enough to apply them to your own interior.

Base your color story on your favorite hue

When it comes to choosing the perfect colors for your interior, you should predominantly stick to the ones you find most appealing. Experts usually advise sticking to neutrals but since you’re decorating your own home to fit your own style, you can freely ignore the advice. Of course, for a bit more modern vibe, you might want to stick with lighter hues for your walls and choose to introduce bolder variations of the same color through décor pieces or beautiful rugs.

Dark living room

Don’t overwhelm the space

Another mistake you should avoid making is rushing to entirely fill out your space. If you’re in a hurry to completely fill out your home all in one go, chances are that you won’t go for items you actually like. Instead, you’ll reach for what’s available. That’s why you should take things slowly when decorating and add something new only when you’ve found something that truly speaks to you. This way, aside from being able to create a space that truly feels like a personal oasis, you’ll be gradually adding visual interest to your interior which will only make you fall in love with it over and over again.

Symmetry that’s not too obvious is always welcome

Simply put, our brains enjoy symmetrical designs. Just like we’re more likely to call a person with an almost symmetrical face beautiful, we like seeing symmetry in all other aspects of life – our homes included. That’s why you should definitely consider going for a symmetrical design in your home, but avoid making it perfect. As much as we like symmetry, it has actually been proven multiple times that we tend to find absolute symmetry a bit unsettling. That’s why, for instance, you can consider adding two stylish lounges opposed to each other in your living room but balancing the final look out by filling one with throw pillows and the other with throw covers. Alternatively, you can have them styled the same, but have them vary in size.

Minimalist living room

Aim at creating a harmonious design

Aside from symmetry, we tend to enjoy harmony and we simply feel good in spaces that are harmonious in their design. While this to some may sound a bit boring or too restraining, creating a harmonious design in your home is actually much simpler than you may think. Try to make everything you add into your interior work with the rest of the design and avoid having more than one statement piece per room. Otherwise, you will make your space feel too overpowering which can make you feel nervous instead of relaxed, which is the exact opposite of what you’re trying to achieve.

Work with your home instead of against it

If your home is built in a certain style or era and it features some of the characteristic design elements of that era or style, don’t try to work against them. One of the beauties of the modern style is that it can easily be combined with virtually any other style to create a beautiful, cohesive environment. For instance, if your home was built in the Victorian style, you can easily go for the modern Victorian vibe when it comes to the interior and beautifully marry these two styles together.

So, when decorating your home, it’s important to remember that no matter what the style magazines are telling you to do, you need to cater to your own wants and needs first. Sure, you can use some tips for inspiration, but avoid just blindly following someone else’s ideas if you want to make your home truly feel your own.

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