7 Unique Things to Do on Your Next Vacation

in Travel

Instead of spending your days lounging at the beach or holing up in a cabin somewhere, use you next vacation to do some unique activities and explore. Each destination will have something new to offer you, so take advantage of that while you’re there. Even if you already have a travel itinerary, you should be able to fit in a few more experiences. If you’re not sure what you want to do during your next trip, check out these unique things to do on your next vacation.

Stay at a Dude Ranch

If you’ve spent your whole life living in the suburbs or in the big city and you’ve been looking for a new experience, then you should try staying at a dude ranch during your next vacation. Dude ranches provide an immersive experience into life on a ranch that you wouldn’t get anywhere else. This kind of experience is perfect for active types and people who want to reconnect with nature. At a dude ranch you’ll get to stay in a cabin and try horseback riding, fishing, hiking, canoeing, and much more. Some dude ranches are working ranches and farms, so you might even get a farm-to-table dining experience, depending on which one you go to. Check out this website for more information.

Wine Tasting and Vineyard Tours

A wine tasting at somewhere like Covington Hill Country is a great way to learn about the wine of a specific region. Some wineries and vineyards will give you an exclusive look at the wine making process, starting with harvesting, then onto the fermenting, processing, and bottling the wine you’ll be drinking.

A wine tasting and a vineyard tour can help you to get a better understanding of the different methods that go into making your favourite wines and help you to appreciate the subtle differences between the different wines created from locally grown grapes.

Drone Flying Experience

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to see things from a new perspective or if you’ve ever been curious about how filmmakers get drone shots for movies, then a drone flying experience is just right for you. This experience will allow to get the best view of different locations. Depending on where you take these classes, you may experience one-on-one tuition or may work with a group. Not only is it fun, you get to learn about drone flying from an expert. It may even inspire you to buy your own drone when you get back home and take an RPAS exam and do a flight review to test your skills.

Attend a Local Event

If you really want to get to know your destination, you should spend some time mingling with the local community. See what’s on at the local community theatre or town hall. Are there any cool events, like a farmers’ market, a festival, or a play being performed? These events will show you the creative side of the place you’re staying and will allow you to learn more about the culture and its unique history.

Take a Cooking Class

Anyone can eat the local cuisine on holiday, but not many people can replicate that food for their friends and family when they go home. You can find cooking classes everywhere, no matter where you’re travelling to. Most cooking classes will cater to beginners and experienced cooks. Imagine how impressed everyone will be when you go back home and prepare an authentic three-course meal for a dinner party. This is the kind of culinary experience you won’t want to miss out on.

Step Outside of the Big City

There’s so much more to see than the tourist traps in the big city. Take a trip outside of the city at least once during your trip and see what your destination really has to offer. Check out the places that the locals like to frequent and immerse yourself in the culture. There’s more to do than shop at the same chain stores and eat at the same fast-food restaurants you that you would at home. If you were to go to Egypt for example, some of the more interesting landmarks such as the Pyramids of Giza can pose a little more of a challenge to get to if you don’t speak Arabic, so getting your own personal guide or looking for an Egypt travel package can be a smart idea. Already been to Egypt? Consider Turkey and a service like madeinturkeytours.com. Turkey not your cup of tea? Try searching online for ‘fiji deals‘ and see if that takes your fancy.

Before you go on your next vacation, decide on what kind of experience you want. You’re sure to make some incredible memories while you’re away.

Image Credits: Pixabay

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