A Long Weekend In NYC: 3 Things You Must Do

in Travel

New York is a city that benefits from a long stay; with such a wide variety of things to see and do, you could spend literally months in the city and never run short of options. However, long weekends – usually around four or five days in length – in New York are also popular, providing the chance to see the highlights of the city and soak up the fantastic atmosphere. If you want to give the idea a try for yourself, here are three essential things to do during your time in the city…

#1 – View the city from height

The beauty of New York when viewed from height cannot be overstated. There’s plenty of buildings that provide the perfect view; the Empire State building is perhaps the most ‘classic’ option, but you could also consider Top of the Rock or the One World Trade Center for a different – but no less impressive – experience.

#2 – Explore Central Park

New York may be known for its busy streets and bright lights, but a visit to Central Park offers something very different indeed – a sense of tranquility, complete with beautiful natural views. Tour the park admiring the many sculptures, visit the zoo, and take a horse and carriage ride to get the most of this wonderful area of the city.

#3 – See a Broadway show

Broadway is the theatre capital of the world, so make sure you plan to see at least one show during your time in the city. If you’re not sure which of the countless number of options you should choose, then the infographic below can help you to make the perfect choice for your preferences…

A Long Weekend In NYC: 3 Things You Must Do 3
Infographic Design By broadway tickets

Image Credits: Nicolai Berntsen

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