Alopecia Areata: How to Treat and Prevent It?

in Health & Well-being

Alopecia areata is an inflammatory disease in which the hair follicles are damaged and the hair falls out in such a way that patches develop on the scalp. The disease usually appears in childhood or young adulthood, in both men and women. The causes are not fully known. It is most likely an autoimmune disease, which means that the body mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. Sometimes alopecia areata is connected with excessive stress or hormonal disorders. Specialist treatment should be supported by home methods, which are extremely effective and are described below.

Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are a way to mask bald patches. With a tape extension remover, you can quickly remove the fake hair whenever you want.


Onions have a beneficial effect on hair growth and also regenerate the scalp. Sulphur, a large amount of which is found in onions, is responsible for this. Chop up a medium-sized onion and squeeze the juice out of it. Apply to the scalp in the affected area and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water. The onion treatment should be continued for 3 months, 2-3 times a week.

Honey and Egg Yolk

Mix egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey and apply to the scalp. After 20-30 minutes, wash it off with cold or lukewarm water. Do not use very hot water as this will lead to hair loss.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is best used to massage the scalp. Good blood circulation helps the hair growth process.

Vitamin E Oil

Applying a mixture of 2-3 ml of vitamin E oil and another hair oil to the scalp is an excellent treatment. If possible, the oil can be left on the scalp for several hours. It will then be perfectly absorbed into the skin and hair.

Aloe Vera

A plant for almost everything. It has a wide range of medicinal and cosmetic applications and is easily accessible and can be grown on your windowsill at home. It is also suitable for treating alopecia areata. Simply apply aloe vera juice to your scalp. It will accelerate hair growth and moisturise the scalp.


Try a hibiscus flower mask. To do this, soak 10-15 flowers in water overnight and in the morning, crush the soft and moist petals into a smooth paste. Apply to the scalp affected by baldness for 45-60 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. Use for 3 months, 2-3 times a week.

Gooseberry (Amla)

Gooseberry is a very strong antioxidant and a source of vitamin C. It is effective in stimulating hair growth. Fresh or dried fruit can be used for therapeutic purposes. Fresh gooseberries are simply mashed or grated and applied to the scalp. If you use powdered gooseberries it is a good idea to mix them with cottage cheese.


Sometimes, for various reasons, it is difficult keep up with a hair-supporting diet. Supplements, of which there are many on the market, may be helpful. However, you may find it ineffective or have to pay a lot for them, so it is worth consulting a doctor or a pharmacist before buying them. If you have more serious problems with your hair, you can also turn to a trichologist, i.e., a hair specialist. However, remember to tell your doctor what supplements or vitamins you are currently taking so that you do not overdose on them.

Image Credits: RODNAE Productions

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