Balancing Your Diet For A Healthier Lifestyle

in Food & Drink

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If you have a busy lifestyle, it can be a challenge to ensure that you are getting a balanced and healthy daily diet. However, for you to continue functioning successfully and enjoying all the activities that you have going on; fuelling your body with the right stuff is vital and will help to ensure you can keep up with the pace you’re currently running at. The following are some ideas and tips to help you to get a great daily diet, without skimping on flavour (or a little of what you fancy). So put your feet up with a cuppa and have a read before you write your next grocery list.


It’s no secret that plenty of fresh fruit and veg will contribute towards a healthy eating plan and lifestyle. Therefore, it’s important to head towards the colourful sections of the supermarket (they always smell the best too) to fill up your shopping trolley. It’s time to limit the pale yellows and fried beige colours on your plate and to introduce a wider variety of natural colours from the veg you’ve cooked instead. The great thing about fruit and vegetables is their versatility; you can be as fancy pants or as straightforward with them as you want, just make sure that you’re eating plenty of them and you’ll be getting vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre into your diet in an instant.

Check out a variety of recipes that contain plenty of veg here: and get some meal inspiration. Next time you sit down to lunch or dinner; look to see how much (or little) colour is on the plate, and consider adding some more. Whether it’s green beans, orange carrots, or a purple aubergine; that pop of nature will liven up your meal and your well being in no time.


Move away from the deep fat-fryer and put down the butter; it’s time to start thinking about the healthiest cooking methods for your meals. The less fat and oils you use in your pan, the better, and reducing the saturated fats you eat regularly will have an immediate and positive impact on your diet. If you are using fa to fry or cook something; consider introducing an alternative to your food cupboard, like coconut oil or avocado oil, which hold healthy benefits and will enhance your dinner in flavour too.

Instead of frying your food; think about what items would taste just as good if they were baked in the oven, and give it a go. Create your own oven-baked sweet potato fries at home and save yourself the cost of eating them in a restaurant and eat a healthy alternative to chip shop chips (yum).


Swapping your usual food-shop choices and cooking techniques may be a little challenging at first; however, the more you get into the habit of those changes, the more they will feel like second nature to you. Make it your mission to research and discover the ways to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle for yourself, and you’ll enjoy the process and feel the benefits in no time.

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