Comparison Websites No Longer Fixate On the Home

in Health & Well-being

Price comparison websites have been drilled into consumers for a number of years, with millions taking advantage to save considerable amounts of money on anything from energy bills, right the way to mobile phone contracts.

Several years since their incarnation, some websites are expanding their services to capture a different type of customer. One of the biggest in the industry,, no longer limits its offerings to traditional home services. Instead, it has started to provide a comparison for website owners, who are looking to save as much money as possible in relation to domain names and web hosting.

For the web developer who has been around for years, this won’t be anything ground-breaking. After all, most people involved in the industry know the budget sites, and also have favoured hosts who have treated them well over the years.

Instead, these services are targeted at the Average Joe. It’s no secret that we’re in the middle of another dot com boom – radio stations are broadcasting adverts telling every small business under the sun to get online, and the internet is just kick-starting a lot of people’s enterprises. However, with very few of these individuals having bucket loads of cash to throw at expensive agencies, it stands to reason that they take a DIY approach and this is where these new comparison services enter the picture.

Established websites which we have come to trust, like Cyber Compare, can give information to any non-technical user on how to make big savings when it comes to the development of their website.

Perhaps the biggest beauty about these services is that they are still remarkably simple to use. Just like few of us know what a KWh is when we look to change energy supplier, on the other side of the coin not many of us know what a TLD is.

For example, the domain name comparison requires just two pieces of information; the desired TLD and the registration period. The form is laid out in blatantly simple form and within the click of one button, a brief overview of all of the domain registrants and their prices appear.

While some people may have been quoted a monthly figure by some organisations to register a domain, the fact that some are available for as little as 99p per year says everything you need to know about the state of the industry, and just why it needs comparison websites to attract customers that might be blinded by marketing spiel from website development agencies.

In terms of the hosting, the nature of this feature is perhaps even more impressive. It’s here where the user has the opportunity to enter a monthly budget, as well as the amount of web space and bandwidth that is required. Each factor is explained, which again helps the Average Joe which this tool is presumably targeted at.

Additionally, many of the hosts which are featured are set to be reviewed on the website. This is again mimicking the situation which insurance providers and all of the other companies who appear on standard comparison websites find themselves in. There’s no hiding from bad service, even users who are not completely familiar with the web industry will not only be able to spot the best deal, but also spot deals from the best (and worst) providers.

As such, the comparison website concept has expanded once again. What has come a way of life for the average person shopping around to cut the bills around the house, could become the same for the start-up business who is desperate to cut costs at every opportunity.

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