Different Mattresses That Work Perfectly for Adjustable Beds

in Home Improvement

Choosing the appropriate mattress for your reclining bed (also known as an adjustable bed) can be a burdensome task, especially if you’re not familiar with mattresses.

Each type offers different benefits, functions, and performances that may or may not suit you. Your decision will vary depending on the usage of your reclining bed, the thickness, and the materials you will use.

Below are the essential guidelines you may consider when picking the appropriate mattress for your adjustable bed base.

Types of Mattresses That Supports Adjustable Beds

An adjustable bed has the function to lift the head and foot surface of the mattress between 40 to 70 degrees – giving you a more comfortable position when sleeping, reading, and watching TV.

The essential factor to consider when buying an adjustable bed base mattress is to check its durability and versatility. A good mattress can bend and adjust according to the structure of the base. The most common mattress utilized in a reclining bed is innerspring, memory foam, airbeds, and latex foam.

According to the National Sleep Foundation or NSF, memory and latex mattresses are excellent options if you plan to use an adjustable bed. These mattresses are more flexible compared to others. Also, it matches the structural curve of the base, making it more durable.

However, you must remember that there are hundreds of brands who can build these types of mattresses. Besides, there might be slight differences in the construction of the mattress compared to other manufacturers. As much as possible, try to look for a manufacturer that utilizes the best and quality materials.

To give you a more in-depth explanation regarding which mattresses are perfect on an adjustable bed base, here are the following guidelines that you must know:

Memory Foam

It shapes your whole body to the foam to offer aid to your weight. It removes all the muscle pain or nerve-pain condition by giving assistance to pressure points. If an adjustable bed utilizes memory foam, it’ll automatically adjust to fit with the structure of the base without affecting its functionalities.

Innerspring Foam

This foam is a traditional type of mattress, and most of your parents or grandparents use this on their bedrooms. Before the birth of memory foam and other squishy foam, innerspring was the best option. Besides, consumers are attracted to innerspring foam since it is the cheapest type than the others.

Airbed Mattresses

Airbed, from the word itself “air,” meaning it is made from multiple air chambers, which enable you to customize its functionality by changing the air pressure from the mattress. Though, there are only a few types of adjustable beds available on the market that will perfectly match with an airbed.

Latex Mattress

Same with memory foam, both latex and memory are made from 100% foam. It can also help to lessen the pain at the back and remove pressure points. But latex mattress is often described as buoyant, meaning they are more rigid compared to memory. If you plan to buy this, make sure to pick a thinner size so it can adjust accordingly to the adjustable base.

No matter what you choose, your personal preferences will play an essential role in picking the right mattress for you – because, after a tiring day, it’s you who will be using the bed.

Image Credits: Bruce Mars

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