Easy Ways to Become a More Organized Mom Today

in Lifestyle

Being a mom can be challenging, especially if you’re also employed. There are too many things to worry about, and getting everything organized is a constant struggle. So, here are some tips on how to be more organized and live a much less stressful life:

Make a meal schedule

Preparing and packing meals is the constant battle so if you want to make it work, you need to become more prepared. That’s why having a weekly meal plan can significantly help you reduce stress levels. Also, it’s important to include your family as they’re also going to eat the food you prepare. If you want to make it easier, give some days a theme. Having a pizza Tuesday or taco Friday can really make your meal-planning much easier. If your family members dislike certain foods, be sure to acknowledge that and ask them if there’s anything else they’d like to eat instead.

To-do list


Organizing day-to-day activities don’t have to be a nightmare if you know how to do it efficiently. Making to-do-lists can extremely increase your level of accomplishment as you cross each and every item off the list. Also, making the concept visual for the whole family can help them with completing their tasks as well. For example, get a blackboard and put it in the kitchen, then ask everybody to write their tasks for that week. They should tick the item off the board as soon as they finish the task. That way you can turn chores into a fun activity for the whole family! Visualizing and writing down upcoming tasks can definitely turn a home organization into something everything should participate in. Use kitchen labels, mobile apps or even project management tools if you really want to take your organizational skills to a whole different level.

Hire a nanny or domestic help

Even though it might be a bit costly for some, but hiring a nanny can greatly help you in your daily life. When you have someone taking care of your children, even only twice a week, you’re free to do other things that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to do. If you have a demanding job, you can even hire domestic help that can come and clean your house whenever you need it. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re less capable than other moms who do everything all alone. On the contrary, it means that you value your time more and that you’d rather use it more productively than spend it on cleaning and mopping floors.

Ask your family members for some help

Women are still considered doing everything by themselves, but there’s no reason not to ask your spouse or children to help you with certain chores. For example, kids can clean their room(s), while your partner can go shopping, mow the lawn or take care of the laundry. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you need a helping hand (or few), no matter what you’ve might heard elsewhere. Never sacrifice your personal well-being for an illusion that you can do everything alone, because a) you can’t and b) you shouldn’t.  Delegating tasks to other members of your household will make you more productive and less anxious, just make sure to ask them to do things they’re good at.

In conclusion, these tips can help you be a more organized mom, but it’s also necessary to stop being a perfectionist, especially if you want others to help you. It doesn’t matter even if they make a mistake or two, it matters that they’ve wanted to help you. Being a superwoman is great, but remember that being relaxed and stress-free is much, much better.

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