ESTA Visa/Viza USA – Tips Before Traveling

in Travel

Every journey is a special event in the life of each one of us. Whether business or pleasure, a change of scenery is always nice. We have the opportunity to know other people, cultures, and customs. When you travel across the ocean, in the USA for example, that can be a wonderful memory if you prepare for the trip ahead of time.

Any kind of failure can ruin your journey. Sometimes, even the smallest detail can affect your mood. If you want to prevent any potentially unpleasant situations, we have several useful tips how to make USA travel an experience of a life time.

Check Your Passport

For a trip abroad, you need a passport. As far as traveling to America is concerned, it is necessary that your document doesn’t expire while you are there. Officials won’t let you enter the country if your passport is not valid for at least six months from the date of entry. However, USA has “less tight” rules for some countries where it’s enough for your passport to be valid during your stay in the States.

Additional Documentation

As for getting a USA visa, there are several groups of states that have different visa regulations in the States. If you are not familiar with this, it’s recommended to check it before you plan the trip. The procedure takes some time, so get all required documents and plan accordingly.

For citizens of some states, the requirement to enter the USA is an ESTA form (for more information click here). This document is equivalent to a tourist visa and is valid for the next 3 months. Those who are planning to travel to the USA can apply online, through certified agencies.

Another document you should have (though it’s not necessary) is travel insurance. Keep in mind that health insurance is expensive for US residents; just think of the expenses for those who are not insured. Those couple of dollars invested in travel insurance can bring significant savings if you need medical help.

USA for Starters

American culture is a unique mixture of many nations and influences. As such, this country has some specific rules of behavior that you should be aware of while staying in it. Of course, every freedom is guaranteed to you, but “When in Rome …” behavior will bring you a much more pleasant experience.

Rent A Car for the Fastest Transportation

Rush hours, nervous drivers and crowded highways may be your first association on USA roads, but renting a car during your stay is the best option for tourists. All forms of transport are well organized, but you will experience most of what the States has to offer if you rent a four-wheeler. Unlike most countries, fuel prices are affordable so you can enjoy long journeys and road trips through some of the most beautiful landscapes in the USA.

What to look for when renting a car, more info about documentation and additional requirements you can find on this source:

The Culture of Tipping

Tip on a Plate

A tip is essential in the USA. There is an unwritten rule that the size of the tip should be 20% of the bill, but it is usually left up to you unless a service charge is included in your bill. It’s also usually whether up to you whether you’ll tip a waiter or a taxi driver (it is recommended for service industries). If you don’t do that, prepare for a lot of judgmental looks.

Don’t Be an “Ordinary” Tourist

Groups of tourists with professional cameras and selfie sticks are already walking around the USA. Try to get out of the template, even if you came to the States for the first time. It is nice to have pictures abroad, but the most memorable moments will stay in your memory. So don’t just click around; stop and take a closer look.

This advice is practical too, as there are many tourist attractions where camera use is not allowed. Make sure you get information about it before you get the ticket. Keep in mind that the USA is a big country and that there is so much that you must see. But it’s just not possible to achieve all that in a single journey. So make a travel plan and make the most of your USA trip in the best possible way.

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