Finding The Fit – When To Put Excesses In Storage

in Home Improvement

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Moving to a new space can be a daunting task, especially if you have to haul stuff across town. Tempered with the excitement of moving to a new home or apartment, the move can be made effortless or difficult depending on the amount of planning you do beforehand. One of the major things to sort out is what to leave behind and what to take.

Home removals in Melbourne to anywhere in the city or the country all begin with the most difficult chore of parting with our treasured clutter. Probably best taken care of before moving into to your new home, sorting through stuff accumulated over the years to decide what can be put into storage is one task that can alleviate the stresses of moving. Items that do not fit, are broken, can no longer be used, should definitely be gotten rid of.

Continue reading to find out what you can put in storage when moving house, so you can enjoy an easier, more stress-free move.

Clothes That Don’t Fit Or Are Rarely Worn

One of the biggest causes of unending clutter comes directly from our closet. Clothes that no longer fit or are never worn are culprits of the clutter that takes up too much space in your closet. If you have been holding onto your pair of favourite trousers that are a few sizes smaller than your current size, then consider boxing them up until you miraculously lose weight or go on strict diet and exercise program.

Similarly, clothes that you never wear do nothing but take up valuable space in a closet that can be used to hold other, more stylish outfits. Whether you no longer like the items or they are no longer in style, place them in storage until you find a use for them. In either case, storing up clothes that you’re not wearing, regardless of the reason, can help you save space and also take inventory of the clothes that you do still wear.

Anything Broken

Items that are broken are of little use in a new home unless you plan to fix them. Holding onto the items for sentimentality sake is okay, but if you never fix the broken item, it does little but take up valuable space. When moving, consider placing broken items in storage until you can fix them or permanently part with them.

Unused Items

Another reason to place items in storage is when you no longer use them. Items such as old CD players, televisions, stereo systems, and kitchen appliances sit in a house while unused but take up valuable, and in some cases, much-needed space. A good measure of whether to store an item is to ask yourself how many times in a month you use the item. If the answer is less than once, then it is taking up unnecessary space in your house.

Old Documents And Records

A general rule of thumb is that most people should hold onto important documents for at least five years. Income tax records, bank statements, and loan documents are all important records that should not be left lying around. If you find you have to hold onto these types of records for longer than the five years recommended, then consider placing them in a banker’s box and storing them in a locked storage unit. The main reason to take them to storage is that your home office can easily start to double as a document storage room if you’re not careful.

Declutter Before The Move

A good practice to engage in before a major move is to find a way to reduce the amount of stuff you take to the new place. Consider holding a garage sale to unload half your cargo, and then store the rest in a storage unit. In the end, you will make space to carve out your home’s new identity with the extra room.

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