Getting Your Home Ready to Sell: A Practical Guide

in Property & Architecture

If you’re planning to put your property on the market, you’ll want to make sure it’s looking its best. The simplest way to achieve the best price you can for your property, and to attract a buyer quickly, is to ensure it stands out from the competition. Danny Luke from Quick Move Now gives us his top tips to ensure your home is ready to sell.


The first task when getting your home ready to sell is to declutter. When a home is overly ‘busy’ or personal, it can be difficult for any prospective buyers to envisage themselves living in the property. It also seems silly paying to move items that you no longer want nor need to your new home, so you may want to consider throwing some things out. It can be easy to get overwhelmed if you try to tackle the whole house at once, so approach one room at a time and you’ll have the task completed in no time.

Refresh the Décor

Aging, tired décor can be off-putting to potential buyers. You don’t need to redecorate the entire house, but a simple refresh of any unsightly or discoloured paintwork will instantly brighten the property and improve its appeal.

Clearly Define Each Room and Consider Putting Some Items into Storage

When viewing a property, prospective buyers like to have a clear understanding of each room’s intended use. If a room is being marketed as a bedroom, show would-be buyers that a bed fits in the room. If it’s being advertised as a dining room, ensure it features a dining room table.

This may mean that some of your personal belongings or items of furniture will need to be put in storage temporarily. Whilst you may feel this is a little ‘over the top’, staging your property in this way has been proven to make a big difference in both how quickly you attract a buyer and what price you achieve for the property.

Clean the Windows, Inside and Out

Clean windows instantly make a property feel lighter and brighter. Avoid cleaning your windows on a sunny day though, as it can cause them to dry too quickly and create streaks.

Consider Your Kerb Appeal

It is suggested that potential buyers decide whether to buy a property in just eight minutes. This means your property’s kerb appeal can make or break a property sale, so ensure the front of your property is looking its best. A sparkling front door, well-kept front garden, and tidy driveway can all help potential buyers take your property seriously as a contender for their next home.

Deep Clean and Reduce the Visibility of Any Pets

There’s nothing less attractive to potential buyers than an unclean house, so a deep clean is essential before any photography or viewings.

Viewers without pets may also be put off by signs that an animal lives at the property. This includes pet odour, so ensure any unpleasant smells are eradicated before any would-be buyers view the property and keep any pet beds or toys stored away neatly.

Danny Luke is managing director at the UK’s oldest and largest cash home buyer company, Quick Move Now. Since 1998, Quick Move Now has bought and sold more than 6,000 properties.

Image Credits: Kindel Media

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