How Do You Take Care of Trees and Shrubs?

in Lifestyle

Whether you’ve just moved and inherited shrubs and trees, or you’ve got a house already and are starting to wonder if your shrub and tree planting was a good idea, you need to know the best way to look after your green friends.

There is no doubt that it is extremely satisfying to witness a tree or shrub grow strong and healthy, especially if they are going to bear fruit you can eat!

However, to get the best possible trees or shrubs you need to understand how to take care of these beautiful plants:

Remove Excess Branches

The first thing to do is to start pruning. Trees and shrubs tend to do better when they have plenty of nutrients. Unfortunately, too many branches will suck the nutrients from the tree and leave you with a poor-looking tree or shrub.

To avoid this you should consider using a tree lopping service. If not, you can do this yourself, simply select each plant in your garden and choose the branches that are no longer alive. They will have a number of branches that look like they are struggling. You can remove these and you can also chop the top off the tree, bringing it down to a reasonable height.

Safety is important when doing this stage, you don’t want to be hit by part of a tree.


The tree or shrub will have a generally curved shape at each side. This is easy to replicate with a pair of shears or an electric cutter. You need to remove the excess on the outside of the shrub, without removing all the greenery.

This will encourage the plant to continue to grow and remain healthy.

Don’t forget that any flowers on your tree or shrub that are starting to look dead, can be removed just by pinching the back of their head and pulling.

General shaping can be done at any time of the year. However, the best time to prune your trees and shrubs is actually the spring, before all the leaves start appearing. This actually makes it easier to provide definition to the shape of your plant.


Pruning your trees and shrubs is not enough. If you’re having a long, hot spell they will want water. You’ll need to water them once in the morning and once in the evening. It is best to saturate the soil and not water the leaves of the plant.

Make sure the water soaks in deep, you should leave your hose pipe running for 10 minutes to make it waterlogged enough.

If you have lots of trees and shrubs you can always use a sprinkler system.


Finally, don’t forget that your shrubs and trees may need feeding. Although they should absorb the nutrient from the ground, it doesn’t do harm to add a little plant food to the ground around the tree. This will help to ensure your trees and shrubs stay healthy throughout the year.

Still not sure about taking care of your trees? Consider seeking local help like Missouri City tree care professionals.

Image Credits: David Vig

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