How to Avoid Shady Online Pokies Sites

in Entertainment

If you’re gambling in a brick and mortar casino, you’d know right away if it’s safe to play online pokies there. If the dealers aren’t friendly, the carpets are dirty, and there are a few shady characters roaming around, you’d quickly begin to doubt the legitimacy of the gambling venue. Learning to spot safe online pokies sites is not easy, but it’s not difficult either if you know the things to look for.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some tips and tricks that’ll help you in identifying whether a poker site is safe to gamble.

Why Safety and Security Is So Crucial

Today, there are thousands of gambling sites in New Zealand that have a wide variety of online pokies. Also, these sites offer various enticing offers to their players, including online pokies NZ no deposit bonus, and free spins to name a few. When you join an online casino to play real money games, you’ll be sharing your personal and financial information with the casino. So, you need to be completely sure that you’re gambling at a casino site that is totally safe and secure.

The good news is that all the top online casinos employ various security measures to protect their customers’ data. However, it’s your job to make sure you choose a legitimate site, as gambling at a casino that doesn’t put enough focus on its security can result in your sensitive information being compromised.

Know Your SSL

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is essentially a protocol that provides a secure channel between two machines operating over the internet or an internal network. In simple terms, it is the technology that encrypts all sensitive information as it’s being transferred from your PC or mobile device to the casino website.

Whether you’re registering for an account at an online casino, or just submitting any other sensitive information, if the operator utilizes 128-bit SSL encryption or anything higher, you can rest assured that you’ll have safe online pokies experience.


It’s important for you to make sure that you play online pokies at casinos that have proper licensing. There are many licenses on offer, and a proper license will tell you that the casino is genuine. All the experienced players check online casino licenses. However, many novice players forget about this as they are distracted by enticing bonuses and high payout games that are offered by harmful casino operators.

In order to avoid such issues, make sure you pay attention to the bottom part of the website. The footer always includes information about the license, the owner of the business, and the registration number of the company.

Reputable Payment Methods

Next, see the banking options offered by the casino site. Credit card companies like VISA and MasterCard, and other third-party service providers such as Skrill, Neteller, and PayPal only partner with legitimate casino sites. The logos of these companies are often found at the bottom of the operator’s webpage, right along with the security certificates. So, make sure you check them.

Image Credits: Esteban Lopez

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