How to Find an Emergency Locksmith in Chicago, IL

in Property & Architecture

Do you live in the city of Chicago, IL and probably have a broken door key? Lost your keys at the superstore or got them flushed down the toilet by your kids? Then you need the services of a locksmith. There are several of them in Chicago, IL. But you might want to consider choosing one with the best, reliable, and preferably, emergency services.

This can be really tasking if you are new to Chicago, IL because you want to trust them with doing a perfect job. Most of them also charge extra fees for services within 24-hour intervals. Considering all these, it is important to make some research on finding an emergency locksmith in Chicago, IL, and this article will be your guide.

With this, you don’t have to go through the hassle of driving through every technician on your Google map at the point of emergency. You should actually choose and locate a reliable, cost-effective, and nearby emergency locksmith prior to when you might need their services.

Steps to Finding a Reliable Emergency Locksmith

These three basic steps can get you started when looking for a reliable emergency locksmith in Chicago, IL:

1. Enquire from Others

Everyone has got a network: friends, family, relatives, colleagues, or even hairdressers. There would be quite a number of persons who could provide you with their locksmith’s contact details. You could contact family members and friends who may have used such services before.

Additionally, you could also enquire from housing agents and contractors like painters, electricians, or plumbers. They might recommend a good technician.

2. Locate the Physical Office

The next step to finding a reliable technician is by visiting the physical site of the company. We want to be able to confirm that they have not only a website but also a physical location. You may want to check to know whether a locksmith is truly reliable.

A reliable business should have an office with a physical address to show the authenticity of their services to their customers. So, it is very important to verify the location stated on their website or social media pages. Also, try calling or contacting them on weekends to confirm whether they reply to emergency cases at those times. You do not want to be stuck with a technician who provides services only on selected days.

3. Background Check

You would need to take this step seriously as you would want to be able to trust the locksmith with your doors, securing your property. Run these simple background checks by asking the following questions:

a. How long does it take you to arrive for emergencies?

Considering the fact that you might be locked out of your house at an odd hour, you really would not want to get frustrated waiting for long hours before the technician arrives. Hence, this question is very important. The estimated time of arrival has to be within 20-60 minutes, as you would need a person who would respond to your emergency swiftly.

b. Does your company have a license?

This is a major question and requires a confident answer from the company in question, as you would want to confirm the reliability of the locksmith. Also, move a step further by asking for a copy of the license. If they cannot provide the document, then you have to question the technician’s authenticity.

c. Do you have reviews and references, and can I see them?

You can ask to see pictures of jobs and locks done, reviews, and references from previous clients showing how satisfactory their services have been. A good and well-known locksmith will have feedback from their satisfied clients.

d. What is your service coverage?

In your quest to find a reputable and efficient emergency locksmith, it is important to confirm whether their services cover your area.

You may also want to read this article to know other services that locksmiths offer.


There are several locksmiths in Chicago, IL but choosing the right one that fits all factors we have considered in this article must be done with care. We hope that the information shared here has been useful.

Image Credits: 33lockman

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