How to Find the Right Personal Training Experts Online

in Fitness

Not all of you prefer going to a gym for a workout. You’d rather stay at home and work in the comforts of your room. However, the challenge lies in finding a suitable online personal training program that suits your needs.  With the online fitness market expected to cross $59.23 billion by 2027, it is apparent that more people are turning to virtual fitness programs.

Here are some tips for finding your personal training expert online:

Do Your Homework

Before deciding who should be your virtual trainer, do some research and determine if the person is educated enough and has rich experience. You can’t expect someone who got an online fitness certificate to be your fitness trainer. It will help if you look for a trainer with not less than 10 to 12 years of experience, out of which at least one year of experience in instructing online.

First, Break the Ice

You can’t be comfortable taking instructions from a stranger. Before signing up for an online personal training program, find out who will handle your virtual classes. Try making a phone call, or talk to the trainer via Google Meet and have a chat to get to know them better.

A half-hour chat should help break the ice and find out if you get the right vibes. If you can’t connect with the person on the call, it is better to look for someone else. Even if you can’t speak to the prospective trainer, try the first session and check if you feel comfortable; before deciding if you want to continue.

Be Interactive and Proactive

Only you can know your limits, and you should know when to stop. You can’t let your virtual trainer push you too hard. Hence, you must interact with them and let them know that you want to start with short sessions (20 to 30 minutes), especially since you are trying virtual training for the first time.

If you think you can take more than this, let your trainer know and have the duration of each session increased accordingly. Remember that you need to ease into the training program slowly.

Be Clear about Your Goals

You need to set your goals instead of expecting the virtual trainer to do it for you. Decide what your goal is and communicate this to your trainer. However, if you are unsure about your goals, you need to work on that first because your trainer cannot help you achieve something unless you have a definite plan. If you are too busy with work that you can’t accomodate classes at fixed times, you can opt for on demand workouts.

Ask Yourself If You Need Motivation

Some folks are not motivated; hence you need to ask yourself honestly how motivated you are and whether you need any help. If you feel you need motivation and support, it is better to be upfront about this and communicate this to your trainer.

This candidness helps the trainer decide what motivations you need to keep you on track and continue with the program with dedication until results are achieved. Remember that, unlike a gym, an online fitness program can’t indulge you with hand-holding until you achieve your goals.

Summing it Up

The pandemic has pushed us to a situation where WFH is not just Work from Home; it can also mean Workout from Home. As more people opt for a virtual fitness program, the demand for such programs is increasing.

Image Credits: Sergio Pedemonte

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