How to Make a Futures Trading Strategy in the UK

in Finance

Futures trading is a popular form of trading in the UK, offering traders an opportunity to invest and speculate on the movement of various assets. It can potentially be profitable for investors to protect against inflation and market downturns. However, as with any investment, it comes with inherent risks that should not be underestimated. Developing a futures trading strategy that aligns with your goals and risk profile is essential before starting any futures contract trading. This article will discuss steps to help you build your successful futures trading strategy in the UK.

Identify Your Investment Goals

The first step to developing a successful futures trading strategy is identifying your investment goals. Understanding why you enter into futures contracts is essential and what outcomes you hope to achieve from them is essential. Are you looking for speculative, short-term profits or hoping to hedge against long-term risks? Will this be part of an overall portfolio diversification strategy, or will it make up most of your investments? Answers to these questions will help inform the types of contracts suitable for your situation.

Understand the Different Types of Futures Contracts

Next, it is essential to understand the types of futures contracts available in the UK market. There are two main types of futures contracts: cash and commodity. Cash contracts are based on an underlying asset, such as a currency, while commodity contracts involve trading physical assets such as oil, gold, or grain. Each type of contract comes with risks and rewards, so it’s essential to research the various markets before deciding which one to focus on. Moreover, it is also essential to understand the different types of available strategies, including spread trading and swing trading.

Consider the Different Trading Strategies

Once you have chosen your desired type of future contract, it’s time to consider what kind of trading strategy will be most beneficial for your investment goals. If you are looking for quick profits, scalping may work well if you feel comfortable taking higher levels of risk. Alternatively, swing trading could be better if you want to hold onto contracts for extended periods. Different trading strategies come with different levels of risk and reward, so it’s essential to research these before deciding which one will be best for you.

Consider the Risks Involved

It is also essential to understand the risks associated with futures trading. Although potential rewards can be high, so can potential losses. Therefore, managing your positions carefully to minimise potential losses, setting stop-loss orders, limiting leverage, and using sound money management principles when entering trades is essential. Understanding the risks of futures trading ensures you avoid overexposing yourself to unnecessary risk.

Monitor the Market

The final step to developing a successful futures trading strategy is to monitor the markets regularly, which means keeping up to date with current events that could affect future prices and conducting technical analysis of charts. Regularly monitoring the markets will help ensure you know of any emerging opportunities or potential risks associated with your positions. Additionally, it’s essential to review your trading performance regularly to assess whether adjustments need to be made to your strategy.

Drawbacks to Trading Futures in the UK

Although trading futures in the UK can potentially offer lucrative profits and opportunities, there are some significant drawbacks to consider before entering into any contracts. Acknowledging the risks associated with futures contracts is essential to ensure your investment strategy remains profitable.


The UK government imposes a capital gains tax on any profits made from futures trading, which means that traders must declare all their profits to the authorities and pay the relevant taxes. Furthermore, it is crucial to be aware of any additional taxes that may apply depending on the type and value of the traded contracts.


The liquidity of futures markets can vary significantly depending on the type of contract being traded and the time of year. It can make it difficult to enter and exit positions quickly and may lead to increased slippage, which can eat into a trader’s profits. Therefore, it is essential to research the liquidity levels of different contracts before entering any trades.

Image Credits: m.

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