How to Set Up a Mobile Phone Repair Business

in Business

In today’s day and age, everyone has a mobile phone which has become such an important part of modern life whether this is a young person keeping in touch with their parents and friends, a professional using it for business purposes or an elderly person staying in touch with family. This means that mobile phone repair is an in-demand industry and one which any entrepreneurial-minded individual should consider.

Read on to find out about setting up your own mobile phone repair business.


It is helpful to have a location for your business where people can come in to bring their phone for repairs. Ideally, this will be somewhere with a lot of footfall so that you can benefit from passers-by as people often damage their phone and need it repaired as quickly as possible. It is also an intelligent idea to have a website which allows people to send in their phone for repair to open you up to an online customer base.


You will, of course, need to be able to repair all types of mobile phones and solve the various common problems that people find with them. This needs that you either need to develop these skills yourself or you need to hire a team who will be able to handle the repairs for you.


In addition to the skills, you will also need the tools and parts needed to carry out high-quality repairs on mobile phones. You will need to find a reliable supplier of components who will be able to provide you with the parts, such as RS Components.

Quick Service

As people rely so much on their mobile phones, it is essential that you can offer a quick service so that people can get their phone back sooner rather than later. If you are able to guarantee repairs faster than other repairs shops in the area then it can give you a competitive edge and help you to stand out.

Competitive Pricing

Much like any business, you must also make sure that you price your repairs competitively so researching your competitors will be key. A quick service is key but people will also compare prices with a few businesses so you need to make sure that you do not price yourself out of the market.

Starting your own phone repair shop can be a smart move as it is an industry which is always in demand. Mobile phones play a huge role in modern life with people relying on these devices heavily so when they need repairs they will always want to get them carried out as quickly as possible.

Image Credits: Agê Barros

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