How to Take the Perfect Fashion Selfie

in Fashion

Fashion selfies take more effort than regular selfies to be absolutely stunning. After all, you don’t want to brandish your latest Prada jacket the same way you do that Christmas jumper grandmother gave you. So, to take the perfect fashion selfie that rivals those on Cosmo or, check out these amazing tips:

Get Your Pose Right

Strike a pose, there’s a lot more to it than you might think. It all depends on what you are wearing that you want to show off. If you want to share with the world that new, vivid lipstick you bought, take a headshot selfie to emphasise your lips over the top you are wearing. Many fashionistas like taking stand-up selfies with legs slightly apart and hips jutted out. That’s a good look for casual-wear. For more elegant frocks and dresses, try the crossover and bent pose, where you cross your legs and bend slightly as if you are doing a curtsy. Stand with your legs slightly apart for fabulous jeans selfies, but avoid this pose if you are wearing a loose-fitting outfit. You’ll have to be ready to strike several poses to get your fashion selfie just right.

About That Duck Face

Just don’t do it. If you feel really tempted to do a duck face for your chandelier earring selfie, stop. Freeze your lips to keep them from pouting if you have to, but don’t do the duck face. Ever.

Choose Natural Light Over Artificial Light

Proper lighting, as with any good photograph, is the key to making your fashion selfie look absolutely gorgeous. The best lighting is, in fact, natural light from the sun. Artificial light, such as from fluorescent bulbs you might have in your bedroom, casts shadows and makes your features look harsh. Artificial light is terrible at capturing colour too. If your fashion selfie clothes are in bright colours like hot pink and sunflower yellow, they will look muted under artificial light, while dark colours, like black, will pop out. So, take your fashion selfie during daytime in a well-lit room.

Aim Properly

First, think about what you want to emphasise in your fashion selfie. Is it your new Jimmy Choos, Versace top or designer eyeliner? Angle the camera from the front a bit above eye level for close-ups of face and shoulders. Aim at chest level for buzz-worthy shots of your torso above the waistline. For shoes, you can sit and aim down. Otherwise, take a standing selfie in front of the mirror to show off your outfit in its entire glory.

Use Filters Wisely

To filter, or not to filter, is a mind-numbing question. It all comes down to how you use filtering programs. Over filtering can make your selfie look washed out and, frankly, unflattering. On the other hand, extreme filters can make those dark lines and under-eye shadows disappear. Some will even make your selfie look elegant and retro. In any case, it’s up to you to choose.
Basically, taking the perfect fashion selfie is all about striking a killer pose, getting the lighting right, aiming like a supermodel and not ruining it all with a bad filter. Don’t be upset if you don’t get it right the first time. Remember, practice makes perfect.

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