How To Win the War against Addiction

in Health & Well-being

Battling addiction is not as simple as taking medication to make it go away. Addiction cannot be cured, but it can be arrested. A variety of treatments and health measure can be taken to arrest the disease and allow you to live the life you are always meant to live. Addiction is the end of your life. For many, it is the beginning of an even better life.

Support Meetings

Alcoholics’ Anonymous originated in 1935. When two alcoholics, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob, discovered that they are helping each other stay sober. Today, there are support meetings for every type of addiction and the loved ones of addicted individuals. Delray Beach Alcoholics Anonymous and other support groups are helpful in battling addiction because you can learn from others who have been there. If you are not into the 12-Step Model, there are many other types of support groups (e.g. SMART Recovery, LifeRing Secular Recovery, Women for Sobriety, etc.). However, keep in mind that your sole purpose of going to these meetings is to help yourself, not to make friends or pursue romantic relationships.


Rehabilitation is the most powerful weapon in battling addiction. Inpatient rehab is the best option because it allows you to be away from the substance and relapse triggers for a period time. Intense forms of outpatient rehab exist, but they are best as supplements after inpatient rehab.


Many addiction professionals agree that medication in combination with psychological treatment is the best way to battle addiction. The addiction medications that exist act as replacements for the addictive substance without offering the high in order to prevent cravings and withdrawal. While medication-assisted treatment is still controversial with long-time recovering addicts and conservative addiction professionals, it has helped many people achieve recovery and should be used if warranted necessary for your case.


The misconceptions about addiction can make you feel worse about yourself and leave you confused about the measures you need to take care of yourself. Recovering from addiction is not just about having the willpower to put down a drink or a drug again; it is about creating a new life for yourself. Proper education about the disease will better equip you to fight it. If you find that you are interested in addiction enough to learn more about it, becoming an addictions counselor is an excellent route. Many recovering individuals find that they help themselves through helping others.

Live a Healthy, Happy Lifestyle

Being in healthy shape will make you more likely to maintain your recovery because you will look and feel good. Exercise will help you get a healthy release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that is released when engaging in any pleasurable activity. Sufficient sleep and keeping stress at a minimum is also beneficial. You should also engage in hobbies that you love in order to channel your addictive tendencies into something healthy and keep your dopamine levels up.

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