How Weather Affects Shingle Roofs

in Home Improvement

The roof is always exposed to the elements, and you must know how this affects the shingles. Different weather will have different effects, and some of these effects can be very damaging to your roof. Understanding the effects will also help with better roof maintenance as you know what to look for at different times of the year.

How Heat Affects Shingles

Summer can be a great time in Panama City, FL, to relax outside and enjoy the shade your roof provides. However, the heat of the sun can cause a lot of damage to your shingles, and you need to be aware of this. The effect the heat has will vary depending on the material of the shingles.

Heat can cause certain materials to expand. When the shingles cool and shrink, they can leave gaps in your roof that allows rain to leak in. The expanding and shrinking will also damage the structural integrity of the shingles. Heat can cause shingles to become brittle, and this makes it easier for them to be damaged.

Heat can also cause your shingles to curl. This is more common with certain materials, such as asphalt. Curling or warped shingles can also be a sign that your roof does not have adequate ventilation. This is a problem because it could cause ice dams during the colder winter months.

How Rain Affects Shingles

A lot of people do not realize the amount of damage rain can do to your shingles. These people are often only concerned when the rain starts leaking into their homes. While leaks are important, they often occur after the damage has been done to the shingles. While a regular roof Inspection with Panama City Roofing company can detect such damage and suggest you proper solution

Heavy rainfall will wear down your shingles, and this stops the water draining as it should. When this happens, small puddles of water form on the roof, and this can lead to growths on the shingles. This will impact the structural integrity of the shingles and make them more prone to leaks.

How Wind Affects Shingles

When people think about wind damaging their roof, they will generally think of the winds from severe storms such as hurricanes. While these winds can damage your roof, they are not the only ones you should look out for. Strong winds and gusts can do as much damage to the shingles if you are not careful.

The most common way wind affects shingles is through loosening them. As the wind hits the shingles, they can start to shift. This will lead to gaps in the roof that allow moisture to leak in. Strong winds can also blow shingles off the roof, leaving holes.

If the wind is strong enough to move debris, this could land on your roof and damage your shingles. Tree branches could also be shifted to rub against the shingles and damage them. The movement on the shingles can cause them to crack and need to be replaced.

How Snow Affects Shingles

Snow can look amazing sitting on a roof, but it can cause a lot of damage to the roof it lies on. While it might not look like it does, snow can weigh a lot when it sits on a roof. This can undermine the integrity of the shingles, causing them to crack. If the weight is too much, it could cause the roof to sag and start to collapse.

If there is no proper ventilation for the roof, snow can form ice dams. The heat from your home will melt the snow, and the water will run until it freezes close to the edge of the roof. Most shingles are not made to withstand ice forming directly on it. This will cause the shingles to crack or warp.

How Hail Affects Shingles

While hail is not as common as the other weather events, it can cause as much damage. Constant and fast hail can cause cracks to form in your shingles. They will also wear down asphalt shingles before the fracture. After this happens, the hail will be able to access and damage the underlying structure of your roof.

There are many ways that weather can affect your roof shingles in Florida. The damage done will depend on the type of weather and the shingle material. Certain materials are made to withstand certain weather events, and you need to consider this.

Image Credits: MILKOVÍ

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