Investment Tips for the Entrepreneur in 2021

in Business

We are all expecting 2021 to see the end of the pandemic and economies around the world are bracing for a return to normal and if you are a brave investor who is looking for a business opportunity, here are a few tips to help you find a healthy return on your investment.

  • Bitcoin – If you had the foresight to buy Bitcoin when the value was $10, you wouldn’t need to work, with the Bitcoin price currently above $30,000, will it continue to grow? The experts are saying that Bitcoin is here to stay and you should invest a little in the number one cryptocurrency, which is also a payment system. Simply download the Bitcoin wallet software, then you can buy Bitcoin from an online dealer and keep your eye on the price daily.
  • Collaboration – The business world is such that we have real-time video calls and this enables you to collaborate with other professional people who would normally be out of your range. You probably know a few entrepreneurs in South East Asia and forming a small team could lead to company formation in Singapore, which is a very strong economy and attractive to foreign businesses.
  • New Markets – The current level of tech brings you into a global market and penetrating new markets is an obvious winner. Of course, you will need to enlist the help of a local law firm to set up the business registration and most countries offer 3-4 options when it comes to business registration. Some are trading entities, while others are primarily for extensive market research and foreign representation and the legal expert can offer the best advice, plus they can hook you up with a wide range of local business services.
  • Real Estate – If you switch some of your wealth to foreign real estate, you could buy poolside villas in Thailand, which would be a great long-term investment that would provide you with a regular income when rented out. Thailand is an attractive destination for holiday real estate, as they have a strong democracy and stable economy; any property investments you make require the help of a lawyer to check that all is above board. Setting up a property development company in Thailand is much easier when you use a reputable law firm that facilitates business registration and real estate is a finite asset that is guaranteed to rise in value.
  • Acquiring Existing Businesses – The pandemic certainly took its toll on the world of commerce and many small businesses simply couldn’t make it. You could pick up a 5-star luxury resort in Thailand for next to nothing and when things return to normal, you will be sitting pretty. There are online agents that will search for businesses for sale on your behalf and who knows, maybe the perfect opportunity will arise.
  • Tech Sector – If you are into coding, why not team up with a few developers and create your own tech company? Steve Jobs did just that and look what happened to him! You might have a great idea for mobile app design and if you can find the right people to collaborate on the project, it could be a golden opportunity to enter a new market. Here is an interesting blog on outsourcing and why it works so well. This is an exciting time for the tech sector, as new innovative solutions emerge on the market, which creates business opportunities.
  • Online Fund Me Projects – As you probably know, there are websites where entrepreneurs are looking for investors and browsing through the long list might just prove to be valuable. You could encounter a professional in the same field and when you put your skillsets together, you have a winning combination. If you have a great business idea, but lack the capital to make it a reality, go fund me platforms are a great way to hook up with private investors.

If you are planning a trip to Singapore in the near future, check the current entry requirements regarding Covid-19 prior to booking flights, as things can change very quickly. Now is definitely an exciting time to be an entrepreneur and with some careful planning, you can start a new project that will be a success.

Image Credits: Stephanie Liverani

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