Online Hobbies for a Virtual Winter

in Lifestyle

For many of us, a big chunk of our lives has shifted online during the pandemic. Whether you were working from home and connecting with relatives in far-flung corners of the globe before 2020 brought us COVID-19, you will almost certainly still have found that now even previously unthought-of activities have shifted online. Here, you’ll find a few things to see you through a digital winter.

Online Gaming

Most people game online and, if this is something you once enjoyed in person you’ll almost certainly have discovered that you can keep gaming online. But it’s not just traditional computer and console games that can transfer to the internet. Now, with systems like Tabletop Simulator, you can enjoy all the board games that once you’d have needed to be round a non-socially distanced table to play. It isn’t free, but when you have access to literally thousands of games, you’ll get your value for money back in just a few evenings.

Music lessons

If you’ve always wanted to pick up an instrument, but haven’t had the motivation, then virtual lessons that you can participate in without leaving your house might just be for you. LVL Music Academy is a great place to start your online learning. You can take a class at any level and there are qualified instructors to take you through your scales, even if you’re a complete beginner.

Dinner parties

Gathering round a table to share food, wine, and stories is something that we’ve all missed during lockdown. But you don’t have to wait to see friends and family – instead, why not host a virtual dinner party? There are plenty of ways to do this, but try all cooking the same dish (or dishes, if you’re feeling adventurous), and share tips and tricks for how to make them as you go. You can cook together then virtually share the same food as you tuck in over Zoom, Skype, or whatever online platform you’re using.

Language lessons

Another hobby that you might have been hoping to start, but lockdown has caused you to delay. You can start learning any language, at any level, online, and all from the comfort of your own home. Much like the gym, without the stress and added time of getting to and from a class in real life, you might just find yourself more motivated to start learning.


Whilst live music and theatre is on hold in many places, and lockdown restrictions mean there’s uncertainty about when we’ll be gathering in auditoriums once again, there’s no reason you can’t start getting in shape for running away to join the circus! Hobbies such as trapeze and aerial hoop were getting more and more popular prior to lockdown and you don’t need your own at-home trapeze to get involved. Many circus schools are offering online classes in conditioning for circus, flexibility, handstands and more. So, now there’s no excuse not to start honing your skills ready for when you can go to a class in real life again.

Image Credits: Andrea Piacquadio

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