Packing Tips for an Easier Trip & How to Organize Your Trip!

in Travel

Someone once said that organization is key to a stress-free life. We don’t know who actually said that, but we are 100% sure that person was absolutely right.

Traveling is a wonderful and mind-opening experience. You get to learn about new cultures, see the fantastic architecture, experience great artwork in museums, get to try some new food and drinks (and get a little tipsy), meet a bunch of new people and so on.

All in all, traveling has never been easier with plenty of different modes of transportation, and with the right mindset and organization, you can maximize your traveling experience and minimize pre-travel anxiety.

Here is our list that will hopefully help you with your packing troubles and some trip organizing trips that will make your traveling experience even more enjoyable.

Packing a suitcase

Use Packing Cubes

Packing cubes or how some people like to call them travel cubes are probably one of the best inventions when it comes to easily organize and packing your suitcase.

Packing cubes are a perfectionist’s dream and they actually save you time by cutting several steps of practical packing like rolling your clothes, layering plastic bags and so one.

Travel cubes “cut right to the chase”. Using them you can easily organize and stack everything together pretty easily and you won’t have any trouble closing your suitcase.

They are very durable and very lightweight so you won’t have to worry about losing any suitcase space or buying them every couple of years. They compress and organize your clothes and are usually available in different sizes & colors so you can easily match them with your luggage.

Folding clothes

Packing From Heavy to Light

Although packing cubes are a traveler’s and organizational lifesavers there are still some rules you should follow when preparing your stuff in order for everything to be perfectly organized.

You should always consider keeping all the heavier things like shoes, books or some heavy sweaters at the end of your suitcase. If you have a wheeled case then by the wheeled end.

By packing this way, your suitcase will stay stable and will prevent other stuff from getting shattered all over the place in your suitcase.

Then if you know exactly what you are going to wear as soon as you arrive at your destination place that on the top (and don’t forget to pack a small iron for your clothes)

And all the toiletries and other delicate items should be either packed in your carry on bag or at the very top of your suitcase.

Make a List of Important Items

Writing a checklist

Before you actually start packing your things, it’s best advised to create a list. Why? Because almost all people are guilty of overpacking.

Just think about it. How many times have you packed 15 pairs of socks for a week-long trip and wondered why you did that.

Or packed a raincoat in case it rains. But it was summer. And the forecast didn’t mention anything about rain.

To avoid making this mistake yet again, try to be reasonable. Check the forecast, and write down only what you know you will absolutely need and stick to that list.

A few extra pairs of underwear or socks isn’t that bad, but a raincoat that’s just going to stay in your suitcase is a waste of space.

Also if you want to feel a little “extra” during your vacation or trip, pack only a few clothing items fit for a special occasion — like a fancy restaurant or something similar.

Plus if you don’t overpack you will have extra space for all the cute and amazing souvenirs.

Asking for directions

How to organize your trip?

Travel planning, especially if you are planning on a long trip and a visit to several cities or countries, can feel like a bit of a drag and for some, it might be even overwhelming. Especially if personal safety is a priority, e.g. figuring out a list of safe Caribbean islands.

Let’s say you are planning on visiting Europe, knowledge of European cities then must be some kind of starting point.

Because there are so many cities (and countries) in Europe, getting to know this continent and their countries will surely narrow your list down.

For example, you would like to visit Spain, France, Germany, Norway, and the UK.

That’s a lot of countries.

So the best thing you can do is the following:

  • Research — find out everything you can about one country and their cities. Read some travel blogs, with YouTube travel channels and soak in all the information.
  • Think about what kind of experience you want — not all countries are the same let alone two cities. Think about what you want from that trip. Relaxation, adventure, maybe even romance?
  • Book your flight — booking in advance will save you a ton of money!
  • Book your accommodation — this will also save you a ton of money and will spare you from a lot of stress.
  • Gather all the important information about your passport and visas

Louvre Pyramid

How to Organize Once You’ve Arrived at Your Destination?

That’s why research is a very important part of travel preparations.

Visit sites like TripAdvisor or any other travel blog, Pinterest, Facebook or YouTube and gather all the important information about that particular place.

Because there is much time in one day, make a list of important monuments you would love to see. If you want to visit a museum, find out what’s the best time to go (in order to avoid a very big crowd), and find out what you can do for free!

If it’s easier for you, you can make a similar list to this:

  • Free things you can do
  • Monuments
  • Museums & Galleries
  • Restaurants
  • Parks and nature
  • Concerts & art shows

Use this list and add to each bullet point ideas what you would like to see and do.

This will save you from a lot of stress and you will use your time to the max!


It’s fun being spontaneous but sometimes good organization is key to maximizing your experience, especially when traveling. From packing, without overpacking or underpacking, and organizing your items in the most practical way, to organizing your trip for an amazing experience without stress and not knowing where to go or what to do; all of these segments make for an unforgettable traveling experience.

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