From Rags to Riches: How to Revitalise Your Look With Merino Wool For a Luxurious 2017

in Beauty

The forecast calls for a cold morning, a hot afternoon, and a chilly evening.

You have day of meetings with important clients, followed by a casual dinner with friends.  How in the world do you find an outfit that combines classy and casual, amidst such varying weather patterns?

I have two words for you: merino wool, and the perfect place to find it,

Gone are the days of wearing too many layers that bulk up under your jacket, having to bring a spare outfit for evening outings, or looking drab on dreary days while trying stay warm.  Adding a few pieces of clothing made of merino wool to your wardrobe will absolutely transform, well, your life.

Read on to learn the top four reasons why merino is a MUST HAVE in your wardrobe:

  1. Luxurious and versatile

Wool clothing has come a long way from the bulky, itchy sweater your grandfather used to wear! Merino wool today is stylish and smart. Wool is sneaking its way into active wear, casual wear and high fashion making it one of the most sought after products for both designers and consumers.   A classic, high quality merino jacket can be worn straight from the boardroom to the ballgame.   From a sleek and stylish suit, to a classic scarf, merino is the perfect addition to any and all occasions.

  1. Keeps you warm AND cool

Merino wool  is often referred to as “an everyday miracle fibre”.

One of the natural benefits of wool is that it is temperature regulating and moisture wicking. One base layer of merino will keep you warm on a chilly afternoon, and cool in the hot afternoon.   Any old closet wardrobe can be immediately jazzed up with just a few merino wool additions that can carry you through all the seasons.

  1. Can be worn head to toe

From your frocks to your socks, merino wool has you covered.

Take a back seat cotton, there is a new fibre in town, and it is out-performing you.  Wool will keep your head warm, your feet dry and your body looking fabulous.  Seriously though, can we talk about wool socks? I just read an entire article in Business Insider about why you should wear merino socks.

I couldn’t even finish the article before I had tossed all cotton socks out the door and was running to the nearest shop for merino.  Did I mention merino resists odor, bacteria and stains so it needs to be washed less than other fibres.  Simply leaving merino out to air dry will freshen it up for another wear, AND it is machine washable.

  1. Dress smart, be smarter

By now I have most likely convinced you that you cannot live another day without merino wool in your life.  You probably didn’t even make it this far in the article, because you ran out the door to go shopping.  But if you are still here, I have one more point to make.

What you wear is a true testament to who you are.

It is an outward presentation of inner qualities.

We all know that feeling when an outfit comes together perfectly, and you feel on top of the world.  That feeling translates to more than just boosted self-confidence.  A scientific study recently reported that the nicer the clothes a person wears, the more they achieve. So, in addition to looking great, feeling great and staying comfortable no matter the climate, be ready to crush some goals in your new wool power suit!

Remember earlier when I mentioned the crazy weather forecast, and your busy day of business and casual engagements?  May I suggest revitalising your wardrobe with a new merino jacket, a merino scarf, and obviously some socks?

Combine these simple, luxurious, versatile pieces with what you already have in your wardrobe and you are set for any occasion, and any forecast.  A word of warning, be prepared to turn heads and have strangers approach you in bewilderment with how you look so gorgeous AND well-prepared for any weather.

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