Steps to Successful Office Relocation

in Business

An office move is a complex project that shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially if you haven’t had any experience in commercial moves. However, like any project, it can be broken down into a series of smaller tasks.

Planning ahead

Make intelligent use of documents, spreadsheets, and office move checklists. Create a list of all tasks that need to be completed, big or small, as well as steps needed for their completion, people, teams, and companies responsible for each of them. When your tasks are compiled into more manageable chunks, use your planning documents as a road map that connects them in a chronological way. Use sharing software to let others do their part and see what needs doing.

Security in place

A month before your move, talk to your new building manager to make sure that security is covered by your rental. If not, you’ll need to find your own security company, so you have plenty of time to call around for quotes and get them to evaluate your new office. Most security companies need a month’s notice so keep in mind to get his done early.

Notify your suppliers

If you have supplies like water, coffee, snacks, and so on delivered regularly, get in touch with the suppliers at least three weeks ahead, to let them know your moving date. Make sure you inform your cleaning company, as well. Use the time between to research for the best prices for supplies and cleaning at your new office location, provided they aren’t already included in the rent.

Manage your junk

If the move involves a complete design overhaul, you’ll be leaving a substantial amount of rubbish. In environmentally-aware countries like Australia, high landfill disposal costs provide an incentive for businesses to go through rubbish removal services which include recycling. These professionals for junk removal in Sydney specialize in office rubbish can take and recycle your yard waste, bulk items, electronics, and paper waste, leaving the smallest possible environmental footprint.

Woman holding a box in an office

Communicate the move

Apart from notifying your customers, suppliers, and utility companies, you really need to communicate the relevant move details with your staff. The point is to anticipate and eliminate likely issues before they become problems. Make sure your employees understand the reason for the move and explain how they will benefit from it. Staff always appreciates being consulted early on, and then regularly updated on the events that lead to the big day. They will be interested in new commuting distances, availability of parking, but also concerned about redundancy.

The D-Day

Thanks to all the planning you’ve done, the actual moving day might seem anticlimactic. Arrange with the building manager that the air-conditioning is on during the move to make it easier for the moving crews. As soon as the bulky furniture is in place, let your tech people begin installing servers, connecting utilities, telephones, etc. While your new office is getting its shape, make sure you’re focusing on both the big picture and smaller details. Finally, don’t forget to give your employees the day off, as you’re likely to make the move over a weekend.

After the move

Although you’ve moved, you’re not done with your old space yet. You need to terminate the lease or agreement, collect parking passes, security cards, and keys for your old offices, and make sure they’re returned to the landlord. Transfer your insurance to the new location, and update your fixed accounting system for all the new items you’ve purchased. Finally, schedule a press release and client announcements for the next business day.

Moving an office can have a rejuvenating effect on your business. Whether you need room to grow, more space to create, more control over your brand and environment, or simply want to get closer to your clients, moving into a new space is an exciting prospect, at least once you get past the move.

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