The Benefits of Companion Care

in Lifestyle

Many jobs are important, from teachers to commercial movers, but a companion’s job is one of the most important. Companion care can drastically improve an elderly person’s quality of life. The majority of seniors want to age in place and maintain their independence for as long as possible, instead of moving into an assisted living facility. Most seniors don’t realise that receiving physical and emotional support doesn’t mean that they have to relinquish their independence. A companion can ensure that their needs are met, whether they require someone to stop by for a few hours a day or around-the-clock care. For those who aren’t familiar with companions, here are the benefits of companion care for seniors.


Companions do much more than care for people’s physical and medical needs. They offer elderly people emotional support and the chance to build a meaningful relationship. Because they visit regularly, your loved one will get to socialise and have someone to share their hobbies with, such as playing games, watching movies, and taking walks. Without someone to spend time with, elderly people can feel isolated, which often leads to loneliness and depression. A friendly companion can help improve a senior person’s mental health with ideas like the ones on this website.

A Helping Hand

Most seniors want to remain independent for as long as possible, and a companion can help facilitate that. They are there to offer a helping hand, while you loved one is still free to make their own choices. A companion can remind your loved one to take their medication, help with other medical needs, and remind them of future appointments. They can assist with getting in and out of bed, dressing, and with maintaining personal hygiene. If you’re loved one has limited mobility, a companion can take their dog out for a walk or change the cat’s litter tray. They can also help with lifting heavy binbags or carrying groceries. By offering a helping hand, companions can provide a safer environment for seniors.

Respite for Family and Friends

Elderly home care services can give family and friends respite. Many seniors rely on their families to look after them, and that can be a huge undertaking, especially for family members who work full time or have children to look after. A companion can take the pressure of family members who care for their loved ones full-time and give them a much-needed break. This can prevent burnout and will enable them to provide better care. It’s important that family members focus on their health too, and some may need the support as much as their elderly loved one. Having a companion to look out for their loved one when they’re not there will give them peace of mind. Giving them a break from caring will allow families to enjoy more of the time they spend together.

Getting to Appointments and Activities Easier

A companion will make it easier for your loved on to get around as they can drive them to appointments, accompany them on errands, and drive them to the supermarket. Having access to safe transportation is essential for those who can’t or are reluctant to drive. Having a companion to drive them can be much safer than taking public transportation, especially if they have a physical disability or mobility problems. Having adequate transportation is essential to seniors being able to socialise. A companion can take them to the senior centre to take part in social events and clubs or drive them to a café so they can have lunch with their friends. They can take them to exercise classes to help them stay fit and active. Companions can even accompany seniors on family visits.

Light Housework

Companions can give seniors a break to focus on doing the things they enjoy by doing some light housework. A companion can prepare healthy meals and do dishes, and vacuum and do laundry. They can do more strenuous things, such as making beds and dusting harder-to-reach places.

Keep Families Connected

Companions aren’t just hired to keep a senior company when their relatives aren’t around. A part of their job is to facilitate communication between them and their family. A companion can help your loved one navigate technology by setting up instant messaging and video calls to make communication easer. They can also dictate letters and encourage them to reach out, instead of waiting for the phone to ring.

Image Credits: RDNE Stock project

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