The Benefits of Smart Home Automation

in Home Improvement

Over time, our houses have been taken over by home automation, which has vastly improved our lives. Home automation can take the stress out of everyday tasks, so we can focus on more important things. If you’re thinking about turning your house into a ‘smart home’, then read on for some of the benefits provided by home automation.

Home Automation

Many people have invested in a virtual assistant, and there are many on the market for you to choose from. You can control your appliances and devices from an app or via voice command and schedule things to turn on and off.

Most modern devices and appliances are ‘smart’ and can be controlled via home automation, such as ovens, refrigerators, vacuums, washing machines, and lightbulbs. You can also invest in smart plugs so you can turn your devices on and off automatically. Just make sure you have a high speed Internet provider so you manage your smart home devices via the app.

Remote Connection

If you’ve ever worried about forgetting to turn off the hob or forgetting to lock the back door, you can now connect to your home remotely. Having everything connected to an app (or apps) on your phone means that you are able to automate things while you’re away from home, so those worries will just melt away.

Greener Homes

Home automation allows homeowners to become more eco-friendly by automating their thermostats and HVAC systems, turning lights on and off, closing and opening blinds, controlling their water heater, and turning appliances on and off with smart plugs. Having a GotW3 internet connection can also help people to source eco-friendly and energy efficient building materials when renovating their homes by researching these options online.

And while they don’t require an internet connection, smart metres can provide people with information on how much energy they are using in their homes, so that they can better manage their energy usage, whether that’s cutting their showers short or automating the lights to turn off and on and sunrise and sunset.

All of these things can make our homes greener and reduce our utility bills.

Improved Home Safety and Security

People tend to think of their homes as a safe space. But how safe is it really? Not every home has a security alarm, and there are a few other things we could use to enhance our safety and security at home.

We can improve the security of our homes with home automation. Smart doorbells have many features, such as motion sensors which alert you to people walking up the garden path, two-way audio, and video. You can also set up CCTV which you can connect to an app as long as you have a wireless provider.

Smart smoke detectors can be more efficient than older smoke detectors, and they’ll even pair to an app on your phone. They can notify you of sensor faults, notify you of low battery, and if you have more than one smart smoke detector, you can quickly identify which one was triggered. Because they’re paired to the app on your phone, you’ll also receive notifications when you’re not home.


Virtual assistants are key to home automation. Not only can you control your smart appliances and devices with them, but you can use them to stay organised. You can add to your shopping list via voice command, and set reminders to pick up the kids from after-school clubs, to drop the dog off at the groomers, or to schedule appointments and plans.

Efficient Gardening

This may sound like a strange topic to bring up when discussing smart home automation, but it takes some of the effort out of gardening. You can control when your sprinklers go on and off and connect to a smart weather sensor to make sure your plants are getting enough warmth and light. You won’t even need to put in the effort to mow the lawn if you get a robot lawnmower.

Now that you’ve read about some of the benefits of home automation, you may be considering investing a few new gadgets. Make sure you research which home automation system works best for you and look at the specifications for any new devices or appliances you’d like to buy.

Image Credits: Fabian Hurnaus

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