The Emotional and Psychological Toll of Keeping an Addiction a Secret

in Health & Well-being

Addiction is a big deal that can affect an individual’s mental and physical health. Addiction typically thrives in secrecy. Therefore, sharing with a trusted person can be the first step to recovery. Fighting addiction alone is almost impossible. Admitting the problem and sharing it with a trusted friend is a great way to achieve the impossible.

Addiction can be overwhelming, especially with the self-guilt it inflicts on an individual. Keeping an addiction a secret can lead to anxiety and stress-related disorders. It is important to learn more about addiction and how speaking up and asking for help can be a lifesaver.

It’s More Difficult When You’re Alone

Managing addiction is difficult when battling it alone. As days go by, people tend to be more secretive about the situation when the addiction gets serious. However, addiction is a progressive disease, and seeking help can halt the progression.

Keeping an addiction a secret seems like a form of protection. However, it is a harmful behaviour that can affect an individual’s health. In addition, keeping secrets can impact an individual’s mental health, leading to emotional and psychological pain.

Addiction is when an individual keeps engaging in psychologically and emotionally harmful activities. Overcoming an addiction is not too difficult when treated and managed properly. Asking friends and family for help can be the first step to freedom from addiction.

Truth and Recovery

One of the hardest parts of recovering from an addiction is telling people. As a result, many people find it difficult to recover from addiction alone. Fortunately, telling the truth can help people to recover because it is easier when there is someone who listens. Some of the people who can provide support when an individual is recovering from an addiction are:

Family or Relatives

Often, people are closer to their family members. Admitting and sharing addiction problems with a relative is typically a good idea. In addition, family members can provide support through any treatment plan the addict wants to follow.

Trusted Friend

Keeping secrets denies an addict the help needed to recover. An addict can confide in trusted friends because keeping the addiction a secret can foster self-deception. Some of the benefits of talking to a friend about addiction are:

  • A constant show of love and support
  • They will encourage treatment
  • They will be a constant source of motivation
  • They will help you to follow your treatment plan faithfully

Support Groups

Support groups are created for people with the same type of addiction to share experiences and encourage one another. Although the meeting details are confidential, members develop mutual support and profitable relationships outside the group. In addition, these groups allow addicts to ask questions about recovering and freely discuss without any sense of judgment.

Support groups encourage addicts during the recovery process. A support group provides company and emotional support for addicts. Fortunately, group therapies are typically effective in saving addicts. Support groups help people with addictions, making individuals hold each other accountable.

In addition, adding a support group as part of the treatment plan for an addict will produce a faster result. Other benefits of the support group are:

  • Group meetings improve self-esteem because of the mutual love and respect between members
  • Meetings boost inspiration to be free from addiction
  • Group meetings help to prevent relapse
  • Connections inside support groups can lead to a great friendship
  • Relief from guilt and shame

Seeking Professional Help

Seeking professional help is a great alternative for people who do not want to speak to family and friends because of shame and guilt. Substance addicts seeking professional help at a drug rehab center in Miami will get access to good treatment to meet recovery goals. If someone uses more serious substances, like methamphetamine, medical meth rehab services are a necessity, as otherwise going cold turkey can be dangerous.

Recovery is a difficult process but doing it with the help of professionals makes the journey easier. Professionals help drug addicts set realistic goals and monitor their progress from time to time. When left untreated, addiction, especially substance addiction, can lead to mental illness.

Addiction triggers differ from one individual to another. Therefore, one treatment method may not work for multiple individuals. Instead, professionals find effective treatment strategies for each person, making accomplishing recovery goals easier.

Prioritize Having Good Emotional and Psychological Health

Total recovery from addiction is not impossible. Seeking help by talking to a friend or family member can help addicts initiate the first step to recovery.

The effects of addiction on health cannot be overemphasized. Although there are many ways to treat addiction, a professional will provide the best treatment plan. This assistance is tailored to each addict’s needs, thereby improving the chances of an addict recovering fast from an addiction.

Image Credits: Külli Kittus

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