The Importance of Background Checks in Australia

in Business

You may not realize this, but background checks are important for most Australian businesses and individuals. They’re frequently part of the employment process, but not every company uses them. Can you really be sure that all job applicants are dependable and honest? In this article, we will delve into what background checks are, and why you would want them.

What Is a Background Check?

With a background check, also known as a police check, the Australian police will release certain information to you on an individual which will allow you to determine whether they are a good fit for your company. The Australian police will provide you with information on an individual’s criminal history, prior convictions, and court outcomes. Background checks can be carried out prior to employment and can be done after you’ve employed a person.

While individuals can apply for background checks themselves and provide that information to prospective employers, businesses may feel more comfortable with applying for the background check themselves, and in may cases, a background check is standard procedure for most companies during the application process.

Why Are Background Checks So Important?

You can never really know a person just by interviewing them or looking at their CV. It’s important for any Australian business to know that they are employing the most trustworthy and reliable people.

While we normally associate background checks with careers that center around working with children, vulnerable people, and the elderly, there are different kinds of police checks that are used for other employment sectors. Background checks can be sought out for people looking to work in the legal and financial sectors, medical professionals, public transport drivers, government workers, contractors, volunteer applicants, and even babysitters, among others.

You want to know what kind of person you’re hiring and going to be working with. Some people can be dishonest with potential employers and an Australian Police Check can reduce the of risk of negligent hiring and protect you from liability should that person be unsuitable or underqualified for the job. Background checks ensure the safety and protection of your business, employees, and clients, and can make sure that your business keeps up its good reputation.

How Do I Get a Background Check?

Australian police checks are quick and simple. You don’t even have to leave the office or your home to go to the local police department to apply for one. You can fill out an application for online police check within minutes, and you will receive national police certificate with the results of the background check within as little as one to three working days. When you apply online, the site will have security in place so that the individual’s details and your personal details are not compromised or misused. For $45 per police check, you will have peace of mind and know that you are compliant with the law. You can pay for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) through a secure payment method such as PayPal or a card payment.

Image Credits: Joe

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