The Regal Rustic – Embracing Natural Class Through Interior Décor

in Home Improvement

Interior design is one of those topics that a lot of people can cringe over. But designing your home shouldn’t be something that deters you. Creating a beautiful home in your favourite style should be something that excites you, inspires you. But one of the best ways to achieve that beautiful home feel is through your décor. Embracing your natural class through your interior décor is as simple as following this guide.

Seek outside feedback

Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or at the end, seeking feedback on your choices and designs is never a bad idea. No matter where you are, there is likely to be a plethora of experts. For my home, consulting with an interior stylist from Melbourne made all the difference. They were able to help guide me toward the styles and colour pallets I needed to achieve my vision. Advice from these experts is often simple and can make a serious difference to the way you view a space in your home.

Consider the flow of your home

Choosing décor is about the flow of your home, as much as it is about the actual décor itself. That’s right, we are talking feng shui. In order to achieve that natural class, you want the décor to flow from room to room. If the furniture you decide on comes in a set or different styles, consider how that might work in multiple rooms of your home. Something as subtle as keeping those rustic woods the same throughout your home can add a real point of difference. If you home goes from carpet to a harder surface, consider a rug which helps mirror the carpet style. Keeping a consistently natural theme in your décor throughout the home can drastically change the even flow.

Distinguish the room

Achieving that rustic or natural class is something that isn’t easy, but one thing that can certainly help is a distinguishable feature or piece. Think about options such as wooden chandeliers, similar to a birds nest. Alternatively if you live in a particular cold climate, a fire place is a great way to add a real sense of rustic class to your décor. Not to mention, it will keep you nice and toasty on those winter nights. Even if you don’t live in a colder climate, a mock fireplace can still achieve a similar look and feel to the real one. Adding a distinguishing natural feature piece is a great way to tie together your homes interior design, as well as sending a message of intent up front.

Living décor

An effective and quite literal way to achieve that natural class in your home décor is to consider plants and other living pieces. A great way to visualise this is through a vertical wall of plants. These plants don’t have to be the high maintenance kind, in fact you can even opt for a moss or algae as a means of lowering the maintenance. Irrespective of the option you choose however, a vertical plant wall is a great feature which can not only keep things rustic and natural, but achieve that wow factor every time a visitor comes to your home.

Home décor is a tricky job to get right, but when it is done properly it can really make a world of difference. If you love that rustic feel of a natural style, then changes don’t necessarily need to wholesale. Instead, you can change certain elements to achieve that real sense of class. Consider the features of your home, the options available for your area, and seek feedback where possible. If you are willing to do these things, then the interior décor of your home will be transformed in no time.

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