Top 7 Items That Every Driver Should Keep in Their Car

in Automobiles

When you are on the road, you may never know when your car tire will go flat or when your car engine will fail in the middle of nowhere. These scenarios can be really difficult to handle if you don’t have the right tools at hand. Moreover, troubleshooting tools are not the only things that you need to have in your car.

There are many other car items that every driver should have at all times. Let us take a look at some of those necessary car items and their respective application.

7 Items That Every Driver Should Keep in Their Car

Your car is your second home; hence it you should equip it with all the required items. On a broad basis, we can segment the essential items into four categories:

  • Safety
  • Maintenance
  • Documentation
  • Surveillance

1. Insurance, RC and Driver’s License

There may be instances where you might get pulled over by the police. It could be because of a traffic violation or for general inspection purposes. No matter which scenario it is, you will be required to present all your vehicle documents. Hence, you should have all the appropriate documents at hand.

This is necessary as you may get a traffic ticket and may have to pay a hefty fine if you don’t have them all. It is imperative to have:

  • Car Insurance documents
  • Registration certificate (RC)
  • Driver’s License
  • Pollution certificate

2. Cameras

If you have a new car, it is you should keep it protected at all times. You can’t sit or stand by your car and monitor it all day, right? So, you should get some surveillance devices like cameras. Dash cameras are an excellent option and can be placed anywhere in your car. With the use of a dash camera, you can protect your car from thieves and other intruders. And the best thing is that they are small and cannot be easily located.

Other than the dash camera, you should also have a rear view camera fitted at the back of your car. This camera will come in handy while you are parking and want to get a clear view of the rear side.

Jumper cables

3. Jumper Cables

When you take your car for a repair, you will have noticed that they use a set of jumper cables to start your car before they can perform any diagnostics. These jumper cables are necessary for your in-car kit. Why?

If you are stuck in a situation where your car fails to move because of a battery issue, the jumper cables can help you get the required charge for your car to move again. However, you also need to have a power source to jump-start the dead battery.

Try using a pair of jumper cables beforehand. If you don’t know how to use them, ask for guidance from a professional. Make sure that you know how to operate the jumper cables as it will help you start your car. For convenience, buy a jump-starter kit that has cables as well as a power source.

First aid kit

4. First-Aid Kit

A first aid kit is one of the most necessary things you need to have in your car. You never know when you’ll need it, so it best to be prepared.

It is essential to have a first aid kit that has the following:

  • Gauze pads
  • Scissors
  • Band-aids
  • Gloves
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Cotton balls

If this list feels like a hassle to garner, go ahead and buy a kit that has all these elements pre-included.

5. Tire Changing Tools

While travelling on the road, it is likely that you may get a flat tire someday. Therefore, it becomes imperative for you to carry all the tire changing gears with you in your car. You need to have a:

Tire Jack: This is a tool that helps you lift your car with ease. You can easily change the tire wherever you want.

Inflated Spare Tire: Having an inflated tire in your car is also important. A flat tire may take a lot of time to repair. In such cases, an already inflated tire can help you reach your destination in time.

Lug Wrench: This is also an indispensable tool for your tire changing kit. It helps you unscrew the flat tire from the car and also fit the new tire into the car.

Pressure guage

6. Tire Pressure Gauge

It is recommended to keep the wheels of your car properly inflated to get a smooth ride. And to regularly check on the wheels of your car, you should have a pressure gauge. A pressure gauge can accurately read the tire pressure.

Hence, you should always keep a tire pressure gauge in your car to make sure your tires have the right air pressure which will further provide good mileage, better handling and extended tire life.

7. Cleaning Supplies

Everyone likes a neat and clean car. Thus, to maintain hygiene and cleanliness in your car, you need to have some essential items such as:

  • Tissue papers
  • Reusable shopping bags
  • Paper towels
  • Trash can for car
  • Water bottles

And many more! Keep these in your car and be prepared for every eventuality.

These are some of the necessary items that every driver should keep in their car

Final Words

Life is not certain; you never know when what’s going to happen. Similarly, you never know what can go wrong with your car until it does. The best way to deal with any bad scenario is to prepare for it. And for that, you need to equip your car with these necessary items. Make sure you keep all of these in your car.

Image Credits: Dom J, Daniel @, Roger Brown, Tima Miroshnichenko

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