What is CBD? 5 Benefits of CBD Oils

in Health & Well-being

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid that is one of the many compounds found in cannabis and hemp. CBD is the non-psychoactive part of a cannabis plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it doesn’t get you high. CBD affects your endocannabinoid system, and reacts with cannabinoid receptors, meaning that is has a positive impact on you.

It is only in recent years that medical cannabis has been prescribed by doctors, although it’s not quite mainstream yet, and is not legal in all countries. Doctors will only prescribe CBD for specific illnesses, although it can be bought online at places like Diamond CBD (Discount code: DIAMOND50) and in some physical stores.

In this article, I will explore the many benefits of CBD. Read on to discover 5 benefits of CBD oil:

Pain relief

CBD has been known to relieve symptoms of pain and reduce inflammation as it is natural anti-inflammatory. It can reduce and relieve back pain, muscle pain, joint pain, headaches and migraines. People with arthritis and fibromyalgia use CBD oil for pain management and to reduce discomfort.

Improved quality of sleep

There is research to suggest that CBD can improve the quality of your sleep. CBD oil can have a calming effect and can be used as a sleep aid, helping you to regulate your sleep.

A lot of people feel wired before bed and struggle to get to sleep, and after hours upon hours of disrupted sleep or no sleep, they feel exhausted throughout the day. Sleepiness during can be very distracting, whether you’re at work, trying to enjoy your days off, or when your spending time with your family. Taking CBD can help you on your way to having a regular sleep pattern so that your sleeps are more restful, making you less tired.

Approximately 30% of people in the UK suffer from insomnia and CBD might be one answer to this. CBD oil is also used to treat other sleep disorders.

Woman sleeping in bed

Improved mood

CBD oil can have a beneficial effect on your mood and help those who suffer from depression and anxiety and lessen their symptoms. There have been studies showing that it can have a positive influence on people’s mental health.

It can have a calming effect on those who suffer from stress or psychosis and can help people who experience rapid changes in mood. A growing number of people are taking CBD instead of taking conventional drugs, such as antidepressants or antipsychotics.

Treatment for epilepsy

Contrary to popular belief, CBD does not cure all kinds of epilepsy. It’s actually used to help manage two different kinds: Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Dravet syndrome is developed during infancy, usually within a year of birth. Dravet syndrome is associated with having a high temperature, which can often trigger episodes. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is also a kind of epilepsy that appears in childhood with sufferers having almost daily seizures.

CBD oil can reduce the amount seizures a person has and can help them control their seizures. Medical marijuana is prescribed by specialist doctors to adults and children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, but not to children under 2 years of age.

There hasn’t been much research into the effects of CBD on other kinds of epilepsy, but in time, there is sure to be more studies so we can better understand the benefits of using it.

Alleviates cancer symptoms

There has been research into CBD and how it can fight the effects of cancer. It’s not a treatment or a cure, but it helps people to manage the side effects and symptoms. CDB can act as a cancer inhibitor and prevent the spread of cancer cells. It can also hinder the growth of cancerous tumors.

CBD oil can help people who are suffering from nausea and fatigue, and can be used to increase a person’s appetite. As previously mentioned, it’s also used to relieve pain. It is also used to help people manage the side effects of certain cancer treatments such as chemotherapy.

Before you take CBD, you should consult your GP first. Make sure you read the instructions on any packaging before using CBD products.

In what forms does CBD come?

CBD comes in many forms and you can choose which one works best for you. One of the more popular options is CBD oil, which is very easy to take. With the oil, you put a few drops under your tongue and let it dissolve.

As well as CBD oil, you can get CBD in edibles, such as gummies, or it can be infused with some food such as energy bars and chocolates, and drinks such as cold brew coffee, sparkling beverages and tea. It also comes in capsules. CBD is infused in topical products such as oils, creams and lotions that you can apply to your skin. You can purchase CBD in e-liquids that come in a variety of flavours so that you can vape it. You can get crystal dabs that can be vaped or put in drinks and food. Also, wax can be dabbed or vaped. You can even get it in the form of bath bombs!

As you can see, there are many advantages and benefits of CBD. If you’re looking to try CBD, here is a single-use promo code for 50% off the entire Diamond CBD store: DIAMOND50

Image Credits: Jose Luis Sanchez Pereyra, Kinga Cichewicz

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