What to Do If You Think That You Have Coronavirus

in Health & Well-being

The Coronavirus, which was often canceled from science syllabi in school, has now become a somber reality.

The novel coronavirus has taken over eight thousand lives around the globe, and the death toll is expected to rise as time goes. We know that this is a time of panic, confusion, and fear. But is there anything that we can do for ourselves?

Yes, we can self-isolate and maintain social distances. Staying away from people is indeed the best way to stop the spread of COVID19. If you have been washing hands and using sanitizers regularly, then you are safe.

However, if you feel that you might have caught the virus and are suspicious about it, then here is what you can do! Before we go ahead with the guidelines, we would like to inform you about the basics of this disease, the symptoms, and further precautions.

What is COVID19?

The first few cases of COVID19 came to our attention in December 2019 when an unknown disease was reported in Wuhan, China. The disease was confirmed as a novel virus that had spread the infection to many countries across the globe.

The World Health Organization announced an official name for this virus as COVID19 in place of Coronavirus disease 2019. This is called ‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)’ by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses due to its origin matching the SARS outbreak of 2003.

WHO’s definition of COVID-19

Man looking down a microscope

According to the World Health Organization, any confirmed case of COVID19 is a person who has tested positive via laboratory tests devoid of clinical symptoms.

The WHO announced this global disease outbreak as a pandemic, which means that multiple countries have sustained the transmission of the disease.

Causes of the disease

The COVID19 virus originated in an animal and was then passed to humans. Further transmission among human beings is carried through bodily fluids such as saliva, droplets in a cough, etc. It can also spread through touching a contaminated surface and then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth without carefully washing your hands.

Symptoms of the disease

Ill womanThe most commonly reported symptoms of the disease include:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Dry Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny Nose

If the case reaches severity, then difficulty breathing and organ failure are also experienced. It could also be fatal.

Risk of death

The risk of fatality is not a smooth formula to calculate. The accuracy of numbers about the symptoms and survival have been underreported. Smaller studies conducted in Wuhan have revealed that the risk of death increases with age. The likelihood of catching a severe case is increased for a patient if they have diabetes, blood clotting problems, smoking, or signs of sepsis.

Children are less likely to get severely ill or die from this novel Coronavirus. This could be due to the less developed immune system and responses. Pregnant individuals are not at considerable risk of experiencing a severe form of the disease as it is not passed on to the unborn children.

There still seems to be a lot that is unknown about the disease. Studies are being conducted, and multiple vaccines have been in the process of development.

What to do if you think you have COVID19?

Now that we have shared ample details about the disease, here is what would be an ideal plan of action for you.

Do not panic

This may seem hard to do, but this is the best you can do for yourself. Try to be rational and do not give in to the global hysteria. Take a few calming breaths and inform the people nearest to you once you are mentally prepared for the next step.

Man with a headache

Speak to your doctor

No one can help you better than the medical fraternity. Before rushing to the nearest ER, such as Trusted Medical Centers, we suggest that you speak to your Coronavirus helpline on the phone. Let them know about your symptoms, your travel history (if any in the previous 14 days), or if you have come in contact with someone who was diagnosed.

Prepare to visit the ER

You are asked to be cautious when you visit the ER for treatment. The most important thing is to contain bodily fluids.

  • Wear a mask and gloves to avoid spreading the disease, if you have contracted it.
  • Try to maintain a distance of 4-6 feet from crowds.
  • Cover your sneezes and cough in your elbow.

Scientists using lab equipment

The doctor in charge may ask you to get tested if you qualify for it. The essential criteria are:

  1. International travel 14 days before the development of fever or respiratory disease.
  2. Close contact with a confirmed case of the disease.
  3. A severe case of pneumonia without any evident cause
  4. You are a healthcare provider working in close contact with patients and experiencing fever, respiratory disease, or other symptoms of the infection.

Due to the acute shortage of test kits, pathologists have requested targeted testing instead of widespread examination.

Self-isolationMan wearing paper bag on his head

If your results are taking time or you have been diagnosed with a mild case, you are most likely to be restricted to self-isolation. It means that you are supposed to stay within the confines of your room and avoid interaction with people.

  • You may ask someone to drop your food, toiletries, or any other thing you might need at your door and move away before you get them
  • Let no visitors inside your place.
  • There is no need to wear a mask in the space where you are alone.
  • Do not socially isolate yourself and stay in touch with your circles online.
  • Follow the advice of your doctor about the medication and other care.
  • Stay positive.

General hygiene tips to prevent coronavirus

Practicing good hygiene is the best way to contain the spread of the infection. You can follow these tips to protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Cover your sneezes and coughs in a tissue or your elbow.
  • Remember to dispose of the tissues used carefully.
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap. Be mindful of wasting water.
  • Alcohol-based sanitizers are your best defense.
  • Keep the surfaces clean and disinfected.
  • Avoid meeting others if you are sick, maintain the distance of six feet if you have no other option.
  • Keep your items of regular use sanitized. Clean your phone, charger, dishes, and other commonly used items.

In the End

We know that these are trying times. A lot of our readers are under very tough circumstances due to the pandemic, and we can understand your concerns. However, we would like to request everyone to follow the directions given by the government and the WHO.

Social distancing is not the end of the world.

Please help us help you.

Image Credits: cottonbro, luvqs, Polina Tankilevitch, Gerd Altmann, Polina Tankilevitch, cottonbro

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