What to Do When You Have Mould in Your Air Conditioning

in Automobiles

With summer swinging fast around the corner, us Aussies know a thing or two about the heat. And there’s nothing that can beat a journey in the car than having your car air conditioning blasted to the max.

The only thing worse than not having a working air conditioner in your car is having a horribly musty odour coming out of your air vents. Sure, you have the air conditioning on, but you’ll also have to deal with unpleasant, stale smells that could make the weak ones throw up.

Now, a smelly air con system can be due to many reasons such as dirty air filters or leaking air conditioner gas. However, the most common cause of stinking air con systems is mould.

The deadly stench

The most obvious issue with having mould in your air conditioning is the musty smell. It stinks and reeks and if left untreated, will spread all over becoming worse and worse in smell.

A quick spread

Mould is a fungus which spreads rapidly. With spores released into the air for further reproduction and mass coverage, not dealing with a mould infestation in your car air conditioning could fester into an even bigger problem.

A danger to your health

The awful smell of mould is only the beginning toward a more sinister issue. Mould has the potential to cause severe health problems if left untreated.

In minor cases, most symptoms associated with moulding damage include nasal congestion, throat irritation, eye irritation and wheezing.

In severe cases, reduced lung functioning and asthma attacks can arise with additional severe reactions for those with mould allergies.

For both health and comfort, it is critical that you deal with the mould in your car air conditioning as soon as possible.

What causes mould in your car?

A fungus that thrives in moist areas, mould grows wherever there is moisture and organic nutrients. This can be caused be even the slightest panel damage to your car, such as the door or windscreen seals.

As your car air conditioning system is supposed to remove moisture from the air in your car and drain it outside of the vehicle, moisture should not be present in it. When something goes wrong with the drainage system, damp conditions are created, giving mould an ideal environment to grow.

How to get rid of mould in your car air conditioner

Once you identify mould in your car’s air con system, it’s time to get rid of it. Here are some practical steps to take to remove the mould.

Dry it out

Park your car under direct sunlight and leave your doors and windows wide open to dry out your car. Hopefully, this will provide enough air movement and heat to evaporate the moisture from the problem area. As mould thrives on moisture, removing the latter from your car will help solve the mould issue.

Use an antifungal product

Antifungal products will kill the mould so any application of the product on problem areas will help eliminate the issue efficiently.

Check your air filters

Mould can grow in the air filters of your air con system, so it is worth checking those out. Cleaning or replacing air filters regularly can help avoid any mould issues arising and is generally a good practice for both health and odour control.

Although the steps above may help remove mould from your car, it may not solve the root problem. You will have to solve the issue if moisture builds up in your air conditioning system to eliminate the problem completely.

How can I remove mould in car air conditioning for good?

It is advised to have your air conditioner sent for a service the moment you identify mould issues. Radiator technicians are highly experienced in dealing with the source of moisture and performing all necessary checks to ensure that your car functions optimally.

They will also be able to provide you with practical tips to avoid future mould problems from arising.

Image Credits: Yang Xia

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