What’s the Tech Behind a Successful Career in Writing in 2017?

in Business

The fact of the matter is this: writing is becoming a more and more popular career choice each year. As writing becomes more popular, it also becomes increasingly competitive, which means that it’s harder than ever before to launch and maintain a successful career. Today, in 2017, the key to success as a writer is technology – the truth is that we are blessed with various pieces of tech that make writing success that little bit easier, that is if we know how to utilize them. Wondering what the most innovative and most useful pieces of technology are for writers? Then read on for everything that you need to know to give your career as a writer the best chance of success.

The internet

Where would we be without the internet? How did writers work before the internet existed? The fact is that for writers, from freelance journalists to bloggers, the internet is a vital resource and one that it would be difficult to get work without. The most common way that writers find work today is via online adverts on sites like Indeed, Craigslist, Gumtree, and Freelancer, which is why so many writers would be lost without this vital resource. Not to mention the fact that when it comes to research, the internet is the most incredible tool.

Specialist software

Proofreading is still a vital part of working as a writer, but thanks to grammatical software, you no longer have to rely on your eyes alone. Tools like Grammarly, for instance, a grammar checking piece of software which outlines potential errors and makes suggestions to content, is something that many writers could not live without. Copyscape, a tool that checks that content is unique and original, is another useful tool that many writers rely on. Whilst AI based proofreading works relatively well, we still recommend using a professional proofreading and editing service done by humans whenever possible.

However, despite technology advancing and changes in marketing methods, one thing still remains the same, in order for your product or brand to grow, you need to have good, quality content to ensure your clients are getting what they are paying for. With the help of a character counter, you can quickly determine the exact number of characters in your article to help you in creating great content.


Anyone that writes day in, day out, requires the very best technology to do so. For writers, the keyboard is the most vital part of an office set up is the keyboard, because this is the most used piece of technology. When you are a writer, your keyboard is the tool that makes getting down the thoughts in your head, easier. Then there is the fact that some keyboards last longer than others – for instance, mechanical keyboards tend to wear out much less quickly than common membrane keyboards. You can read mechanical keyboard reviews online to determine which the best models are if you are considering getting one. Did you know that some keyboards speed up how quickly you can type? Or that some keyboards are quieter than others? Did you know that certain keyboards are better for your wrists? Want to ensure that you succeed as a writer? Then the perfect keyboard is a must.

Blog software

The rise of blogging has meant that anyone can be a writer; it has allowed writers to hone their skills by launching their own websites. The fact is that software like WordPress and Blogger has meant that anyone can become a publisher, which has helped many writers to get noticed and find their feet in the media sector. Today, one of the first steps that most writers take is to launch a blog, because this is the best way to start building a name as a skilled writer.

So there you have it, a guide to the technology that is behind a successful career in writing in 2017. Want to make a go of a career as a journalist or blogger? Then take note of the tips and advice above.

Image Credits: Pixabay

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