Why Is Counseling Necessary before Selecting an Education Field?

in Education

When we were in our academic years, we thought of many careers and the professional roles we want to pursue. Some of us thought about becoming doctors; some choose to become engineers, while some picked professions in other fields. If you question kids on what they want to be, their answers will be something like an astronaut, pilot, or doctor. We send our kids to school to enable them to get along with society and to move towards their professional life. Surviving in this modern age of technology is incomplete without an education and a sustainable income. As parents, we look for our kids’ best career pathways, but we forget to know what our kids want in all these efforts.

Once through high school, the next step is to solve the puzzle of vocational education. While choosing a degree, we seek its relevance with our skills and knowledge, but we also look for the sources of income it can offer. At school or high school, we have options to pick the subjects of our choices, but in university, we have to pick one degree leading to a profession in that field. Some students know their goals, while others need a little guidance to explore the option and choose what suits them best. Academic or student counselors play a facilitating role in such scenarios. They guide the students about their skills and the areas that they can utilize in vocational education.

With the help of academic counselors, students can jot down a career plan. Many students are eager to know which career paths offer the most lucrative options. The most common and ever-growing professions are those of doctors and engineers. Do you enjoy assembling different things? Or, if you want to enjoy building heavy machines, then search for the best mechanical engineering degree programs to fulfill your dream. If you are still uncertain about what field you want to choose, consult your education counselor to help you pick one. Today, student counselors are more valued than before, as they significantly help in career progression. Here is why counseling is necessary before choosing a professional education field.

Get Your Foot in the Door

Whether you are a high school student looking to start an undergraduate degree or a graduate looking for a master’s degree, entering university is vital to getting your foot in the door. The choices that we make today for our career and education will have an impact on our future. As a student, you might not know much about the job markets, the skills in demand, or the degree you need to choose. Various career opportunities require a different skillset and education. Choosing a field of education that does not align with your skills may not help you reap your career benefits. Counselors can help us identify our talents and guide us about what field of education we should choose.

Identify Skills

Education counselors have a background knowledge of psychology and psychometric tests. We might only make decisions based on our likings or interests. Consulting a counselor can assess and evaluate our skills and inclination towards a particular field through different assessments. These assessments involve organizational skills, preferences, or the subjects we find easy or interesting. A counselor can identify our skills or traits that align best with a career choice or degree. Youngsters have fixed options based on the professions they know or heard of, but the qualities and skills can point towards a different field.

Find a Corrective Path

Choosing an education field is not only about academics, but it also entails the behavioral and cognitive traits of a person. Many students struggle with opening up about the difficulties they face in learning. Some of them have low self-esteem that hinders their exploration of other options. A counselor guides the educational field and facilitates in adapting corrective measures to step into a career or university. Choosing an academic area is easy, but a lack of knowledge about the profession they are willing to pursue can jeopardize their career. And if students have low self-esteem and a lack communication skills, they may face issues with adjusting to the environment.

Present Career Options

After helping students find their strengths and weaknesses, a counselor then guides them about the field they should choose. They give a detailed insight into the career aspects relating to their choices. Counselors guide them about different options to exhibit their skills entirely. For instance, if a student has strong interpersonal communication skills, the counselors can present them with the options that will be the best fit for that skill. They guide students in detail about the career options and ask students about their choices. Counseling can also let us know if the opportunities we have in mind match our strengths. Knowing such details can be essential for students to pick an educational field that they enjoy learning instead of feeling it as a burden.

Offer Admission Assistance

After a student has narrowed down their search for the field they want to pursue, the next thing is to pick a university. Counselors can also guide them about different options and programs that universities offer and how they can further boost their skills. They can direct a student towards the possible alternatives for choosing an institute or their flexibility of programs.


Our choices of education fields lead to a significant impact on our career choices. A student might not be aware of his or her strengths or weaknesses. Even if they try their SWOT analysis, they still need guidance to identify their strengths, weakness, opportunities, and challenges. Seeking the help of an education or career counselor can provide answers to many questions and help them make decisions that can benefit their career and education.

Image Credits: StockSnap

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