Working from Home: Striking the Perfect Work-Life Balance

in Business

Striking the perfect home-work life balance is a fine art, and working from home can make that more complex. Unlike going to the office, separating work time and family time isn’t so straightforward. Now that more people are telecommuting because of the pandemic, this has become a common issue. This blog post explains how you can strike the perfect work-life balance while working from home.

Set Work Boundaries

It’s easy to ignore your alarm when you have nowhere to be and it’s even easier to stay up all night working, which makes it even more important for you to have a set wake up time and bed time. You’ll need to plan your working hours too. You can choose to work a solid eight hours as you would do in the office or spread those hours out throughout the day. Setting work boundaries will help you to organize your home life too.

If you find that you need to bring some things home from the office in order to do your job efficiently, companies like Bekins Moving Solutions can help you move what you need. You’ll need to set up a workspace where no one will bother you and tell your family that you need some time to concentrate and focus on your work. Setting up a quiet workspace will help you to be more productive, in comparison to siting on the couch with your laptop on your knee, with distractions all around you.

Childcare and Homeschooling

You’ll need to set a daily schedule for your children too. If your kids have a good routine at home, things won’t seem so strange when they eventually go back to school. If you’re working full time, then you may want to consider asking your spouse, a friend, a family member if they can keep an eye on your kids while you get some work done.

Make sure that their days aren’t just filled with schoolwork. They need some form of entertainment too, so make sure you have lots fun activities planned. Even if working from home seems a bit stressful at times, it’s also providing you with the opportunity to spend more time with your family, so make the most of it now, while you still can.


Chores and household tasks can be laborious, but if you keep on top of them throughout the week and do things little by little, then they won’t seem like such a burden. When you take a coffee break, throw a load of laundry into the washing machine while you wait for the kettle to boil. While dinner is cooking in the oven, give all countertops a clean. With COVID-19 going around, keeping your home clean is especially important.

Give Yourself Time to Unwind

Don’t overwork yourself. You need time to unwind and relax after a long day. Set aside an hour in the afternoon or evening when you don’t have to do anything and can just have some “you” time. Do the things you enjoy and put your feet up. Taking breaks is essential. You need to remember that you’re important too.

Image Credits: Patrick Perkins

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