Writing a Good Literature Review for Dissertation

in Writing

A literature review is part of a study in which the author introduces readers to the context of his research and/or its theoretical basis. It is essential that the literature review reviews the relevant literature and justifies the choice of this particular literature. We’ve asked expert academic writers to share ideas on how to write this part of your dissertation fast and efficiently. Let’s take a closer look at the set of advice they offer.

Formulate the Idea of Your Review

Before writing a literature review for a dissertation, it is necessary to formulate the idea that it should carry in itself. The purpose of the review, first of all, is to describe what was done on the studied topic at the time of the study and thus to determine the place of the present study in the system of knowledge on the studied issue. Moreover, the literature review should, if possible, justify the need for research. That is, it is necessary to show that the study of the issue addressed in the work, on the one hand, is relevant and promising, but on the other hand, it has not really been carried out or has been insufficiently conducted.

Create a Comprehensive Plan

Based on the idea embodied in the literature review, it is necessary to draw up its plan. The plan allows you to imagine what kind of literature you need to collect clearly. Subsequently, it will be convenient to work on each item of the review separately. The plan should be as detailed as possible. Following the plan, the review can be further divided into paragraphs, which, firstly, will simplify its perception, secondly, it will allow creating some internal logic of the review, which will reflect its idea. It is crucial to confirm your plan with your professor not to rewrite it later. Make it your priority — you should convince your professor to pay attention to your review and confirm it.

Use the Most Up-to-Date Sources

It is crucial to use the latest sources when writing a dissertation, Of course, you might need to address literature that is not so recent, for example, when you make an analysis of some idea’s development over years. However, most of your sources should be up-to-date, especially when it comes to something related to the digital era. If you are writing a thesis related to social media and its influence on our everyday life, you should use sources not older than 2-3 years. It is only logical, because the speed of life has changed, and there are lots of experiments held over the planet just at this moment, while you are reading this piece.

Sign up to receive newsletters about the latest experiments in your field to be updated. You can also ask your professor to guide you, and show you the best archives and websites with the most relevant information to your dissertation topic.

Use Online Assistants to Write Your Review Faster

You can find a grammar checker online and citation generators to make your writing load easier to handle. Use the citation generators supporting the latest updates of APA, MLA, Harvard citation manuals. Check on the required formatting style and follow it. Use the citation generator immediately after you find a source that you want to use in your literature review three it is better to use a citation correctly from the very beginning than to waste time on formatting later. Grammar checkers will spot some technical mistakes and omissions which you can’t notice, being too involved in writing.

If you are not sure you can handle writing a stellar literature review for your dissertation on your own, think about getting a literature review written by a reliable service of your choice. You can write the rest of dissertation on your own and order only this part if you find it particularly challenging. Choose a literature review writing company with the best offers, but pay attention to its reliability and offered guarantees. Try to order it in advance to save money on an early delivery. Be flexible and achieve your goals!

Image Credits: Syd Wachs

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