10 Best Reasons to Take Your Dog to the Vet Instantly

in Pets

As a dog owner, you are also responsible for the dog’s health and wellbeing, not just for those fun moments of walks and play sessions. So, while you need to take the dog to the vet periodically, for vaccines and de-worming, there are situations when you will need to make an urgent visit to the vet’s office. When is this needed? Just take a look below and learn to identify potentially dangerous situations for your dog, so it can receive the best vet treatment immediately.

  1. A contusion or wound

If you notice that your dog is injured, you should definitely take it to the vet. The vet will identify what caused the wound or contusion, check for any potential risks, like debris in the wound, disinfect the injured area, and provide any required treatment. An injury left untreated can lead to severe health problems, like infections and pain for your dog. So, regardless of what incident took place, an injured dog should always be seen by a vet.

  1. Rashes, red spots, scabs, or any other problems on the surface of the skin

It is recommended to groom your dog for a few minutes every day. This will allow you to remove dead hair and skin cells, promoting a healthy coat, but will also give you the chance to check the dog’s skin. You should check for scabs, scratches, red areas, and any other problems with the skin. A healthy skin should have a nice pink color and not appear dry or irritated. Sometimes, due to an inadequate diet, skin rashes and allergies can develop, so the skin is the best indicator when something is not right. Of course, scabs can also indicate a flea infestation. Thus, no matter what issue you notice on the skin of your dog, a vet should have a look at it as soon as possible.

  1. Diarrhea and issues of the digestive system

Diarrhea can occur when you changed the dog’s diet all of a sudden, without making the passage from one brand of food to another in a gradual manner. Or it can be triggered by giving the dog scraps from your table. But, if diarrhea continues and it is not just an isolated episode, then you must rush the dog to the vet’s office. Diarrhea can be a potential threat, especially in the case of young dogs and puppies, as it can lead to dehydration. The dog will need the right medicines to feel better, so don’t let this issue unchecked by a vet.

  1. An inflamed or bad smelling ear

When grooming your dog, it is a good idea to check its ears as well. Getting a pup used to have its ears cleaned and checked is always a great idea, especially if you have a dog breed with folded ears. A healthy ear should not smell funny, so if you do sense a foul smell coming from your dog’s ears, it may be a sign that your dog is suffering from an ear infection. Also, an inflamed and red ear is another worrying sign, making a trip to the vet necessary. An ear infection left untreated can cause a lot of pain and can permanently damage the hearing ability of your dog.

  1. Problems of the eyes

The eyes of your dog are easier to check, as they are always in sign. A healthy dog will always have clear and bright eyes, without any discharge, bumps, swellings, or redness. Dogs can also develop conjunctivitis, ulcers, Horner’s syndrome and even cataract, so it is worth paying attention to your dog’s eyes, to notice any problems in a timely manner. If you notice anything out of place, have your dog checked by a vet right away.

Dog with Horner's syndrome
Source: Wikimedia
  1. High body temperature

Dogs have a higher body temperature than humans. A temperature ranging between 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit or 38.3 to 39.2 degrees Celsius is considered normal for a dog. However, they can do develop a fever, due to various causes. In the event of a fever, your dog will feel hotter than normal, will present a hot and dry nose, and will feel lethargic and beat up. If you suspect that your dog has a fever, then it is worth a trip to the vet. A high body temperature can indicate an infection, a case in which the dog should receive adequate treatment.

  1. Frequent and painful peeing sessions

Dogs, including puppies, can end up developing urinary tract infections. This is a painful and uncomfortable health condition, pretty much as it happens in the case of humans. So, if you notice that your dog has troubles peeing, seems to be in pain or physical discomfort each time it tries to pee, or it pees often and in small quantities, then the vet should have a look at it.

  1. Troubles walking

Is your dog limping or presenting a wobbling walk? The first thing you can do is to check its paws. See if there isn’t anything stuck there that could keep the dog from walking right. Perhaps it has an irritated or swollen paw, which explains the weird walk. Whatever it may be, when your dog seems to walk with difficulty, you need to visit the vet and see what is causing the symptom.

Dog with a hurt paw
Source: flickr
  1. Vomiting

Vomiting is also a sign that should worry you. While this can be triggered if you changed the dog’s menu or if it ended up eating the wrong kind of food, vomiting, and digestive problems can also be caused by other factors. Swallowing a foreign object, ingesting toxic substances or poison, or having a troubled stomach can all lead to vomiting. See the vet in any of the cases as soon as possible, to rule out any risks.

  1. Growths on the body

Dogs love to get attention from you, so petting it is definitely a good way to spoil your companion. But, on this occasion, you can also feel the surface of its body. In case you come across any kind of lump or bump, you should immediately take the dog to the vet. While it can be nothing to worry about, awkward growths on the dog’s body can also be an indicator for tumors or cancer. Thus, the sooner the issue is checked out by the vet, the better.

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