2018’s Most Cutting-edge Technology and the Software Powering It

in Technology

Technology is constantly evolving and 2018 has been no exception with some of the most prestigious companies making significant breakthroughs with pioneering innovations. So let’s take a look at the years coolest gadgets and tech that are sure to inspire some serious digital envy and the software that is powering it.

  1. You’ve had a drink, but can you drive?

Proof is a lifesaver- literally. This clever wristband is a discreet solution to the problem of knowing whether you are too drunk to drive. This smart piece of tech has been available since 2017 and has the ability to analyse your blood alcohol concentration (BAC), without the need for a breathalyser test. It can be incredibly difficult to gauge your own ability to perform basic tasks under the influence of alcohol, with blood concentrations as low as 0.06 % enough to cause balance and judgement impairment. Coinciding with this, the number of alcohol-related traffic collisions is on the rise, so gadgets like Proof have never been more relevant or important in keeping both drivers and pedestrians safe.

  1. Reverse Microwaving

Microwaves have been around since the late 60’s offering and have excelled themselves at providing us with a hot cooked meal in just a few minutes. But what if we want to freeze something quickly? Frigondas is providing an ingenious rapid-cooling option that is incorporated into a microwave unit, giving us the ability to heat things up and cool them down in a matter of minutes. Rapid-cooling has the benefit of killing bacteria before they can proliferate, providing us with a safe way to store food and with this exciting model is set for release later in the year it won’t be long before you can feel like you are living in the future.

  1. How clean is your air?

There has been a surge in the number diagnosis of asthma in city-dwellers and with levels of air pollution also on the rise, having an effective way to monitor air quality has never been more important. Flow is a powerful device that uses sensors to monitor and record the quality of the air around you and comes in a handy pocket-sized device that works with your smartphone to advise you on the areas of the city where the cleanest air can be found. This is perfect for those who walk or cycle to work as it can help them avoid the most polluted routes and decrease the use of their inhaler.

All of these devices are leading the way in creating a safer, healthier and more productive world but what about the software behind such advances. Altium is a PCB (packed circuit board) design pioneer whose products such as NEXUS and Ciiva are used in the state-of-the-art design of products from the Aerospace industry to Industrial Systems and consumer grade tech. Their Altium Designer 18 is the most modern and powerful PCB design-tool yet offering high-performance to the hardware that uses it.

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