3 Great Careers in Sports besides Being an Athlete

in Lifestyle

Who hasn’t dreamt of becoming a huge sports star one day? If you have any interest in sports, the dream of becoming a world famous athlete may be out of your reach, but if sports truly are your passion, there are tons of other professions out here that will allow you to turn your passion into a living. In this article, we’re going to explore three great careers besides becoming an athlete any sports lover can pursue.


The job of an athletic trainer is one of the most sought after in sports, after becoming an actual athlete, of course. As a trainer, part of your responsibility will be to assess injuries on the field and provide assistance. You will also work in conjunction with a physician to provide guidelines to follow in cases of severe injuries. Athletic trainers don’t only work with pro teams; they can work in school settings, community centers, and even teach classes in some cases.

To become a sports trainer, you will usually need a degree in kinesiology or equivalent. Many schools like the University of South Dakota offer online kinesiology and sports management courses that anybody can pursue in their own time and at their own pace. For more information South Dakota University and the programs they have to offer, visit http://online.usd.edu/ma-in-kinesiology-and-sport-management.

Team Coach

Team coach is another very popular job among people who would like to work in sports. The responsibility of a coach is to encourage their players, implement training routines, prepare strategies, and make sure that every member of the team performs at their best.

This is why it is essential for coaches to have natural leadership and great communication skills. In many cases, these skills can be learned or improved upon, but a coach who fails to connect with his team won’t be successful in this field.

In most cases, coach positions are reserved for teachers when it comes to elementary school sports. For college and high school, the bar is usually set a bit higher. Coaches will usually need to have an extensive sports background. Non players will be required to at least have a bachelor’s degree.

Fitness Director

The job of a fitness director is to oversee all activities going on in a gym or health club. Fitness directors will be required to handle any health related issues within their facility, organize training schedules, and prepare incentive based programs for clients. They also do research on new equipment and they are in charge of equipping their gym or health centers with the best equipment available.

A fitness director will need to have significant knowledge of nutrition and be able to give basic nutritional advice to clients. They will also be required to provide one on one training sessions in some cases.

To become a fitness director, you’ll need to have significant knowledge of physiology and exercise. There is no minimum requirement to become a fitness director besides a high school diploma, but most employers will require that you have at least a valid nutritionist degree or a 2 to 4 year degree in a fitness or health related field.

If you have a genuine interest in sports, there are tons of career options available for you. Just make sure you do the homework and see if you can find a position that fits your needs.



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