4 Reasons Why Data Storytelling is Essential

in Business

Some people deem that data storytelling is merely creating an infographic based on the information that has been collected and cleansed. However, infographics don’t necessarily have a narrative that explains what is going on with the data. This is where effective data storytelling comes in because it shows the audience where to look, as well as the important parts that should not be missed. This article lists down some of the reasons why data storytelling is important.

Transmit Human Experience

One of the primary reasons why data storytelling is important is that it can transmit human experience. The reason behind this is that apart from the data and visualisation, data storytelling consists of a narrative that can simplify even the most complex information. The narrative component of data storytelling supplies context and insight, as well as an interpretation that can make the information meaningful to the audience. This is one of the most important reasons why storytelling by data is important. Additionally, it also makes the data more relevant and interesting.

Compel Change

Another reason why data storytelling is important is that it can compel change. More often than not, you are presenting the data that you have gathered either to encourage someone to make a decision or prompt them to take action. This means that you will most likely need to persuade them to lead change through data storytelling. You can also inspire trust with the narrative of your data collation and visualisation. Remember that no matter how high-quality your data is, you will not be able to compel your audience to move and make a change unless they fully understand what your data is trying to tell them.

Prompt Data Delivery

Prompt data delivery is another reason why data storytelling is important. Data collection, preparation, and analysis already take time. Visualising the data that you have collected will even take more. Fortunately, there are already various tools that you can use to create visual elements and a narrative for your data, which can cut the data preparation and analysis time in half. Through data storytelling, you will be able to deliver the information to your audience in a snappy way, without the complexity of traditional quantitative analysis.

Standardised Communication

Finally, data storytelling is important because it is a form of standardised communication that can be broadcast to various types of audiences. With proper narrative, the information spread to the organisation is clear and concise. As a result, all the people are aligned when it comes to the information they acquired, as well as the things that they need to complete to achieve their metrics based on the data that they have been presented with.

The Bottom Line

There are various reasons why data storytelling is important. For one, it is effective in transmitting the human experience. In addition to this, it can also compel change or deliver data promptly. Data storytelling is also an efficient means for standardised communication. These are only some of the reasons why you should definitely consider implementing data storytelling after you have extracted and cleansed your data.

Image Credits: Johannes Groll

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