4 Types of Commercial Cleaning for Workplaces to Consider Post COVID-19

in Business

Almost 80% of the companies are back in business after the COVID restrictions have eased. A prerequisite for you and your employees to feel comfortable in the workplace is a clean and well-tended workplace, where they can freely work without thinking about the pandemic and its detrimental effects. Commercial cleaners face this challenge and ensure that the workplace is clean and disinfected, especially when it comes to the COVID-19 virus. Commercial cleaning services offer decontamination services and take over the office cleaning operations after the office timings or according to your preference. This article explains the four major types of commercial cleaning necessary for every workplace to get going with their business operations without COVID-19 spread.

1. Carpet Cleaning

Carpets keep our feet warm and make the environment comfortable. Unfortunately, it also attracts a lot of dust and dirt. Common home remedies for cleaning the carpet include using a vacuum cleaner at least once a day. And, other remedies also suggest cleaning the carpet periodically using baking soda and salt. But these remedies cannot be implemented in the workplace. This is where the professionals come into the picture. You can hire a professional company, maybe a local company that can come regularly to sanitize your space. Thorough cleaning is not enough in these COVID times. Sanitization of the spaces, including your carpets, is critical.

2. Air Duct Cleaning

Ventilation systems can lead to considerable problems. During the COVID times, many offices opted against using the air conditioners as ventilation is not possible when the ACs are working. However, now that we are returning to normal, it is important to keep the air ducts clean.

Avoiding this requires periodic hygiene inspections, maintenance, and, if necessary, cleaning work. It is the only way to ensure that the ventilation and air conditioning system is in perfect order and does not contribute to coronavirus spread. A commercial cleaning company will have all the right tools and equipment to make this possible. Air duct cleaning is nevertheless required regularly to ensure quality air.

3. Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery cleaning can help remove allergens, dander, dust, and germs but upholstery cleaning also helps extend your upholstery’s lifespan. However, the nature of the COVID-19 virus is quite different than other allergens, bacteria, and germs. If you have a company that has frequent client visits, then it is evident that you need upholstery cleaning to sanitize your space. In addition, commercial cleaning can help you save money and use the same pieces without replacing the existing ones and investing in new upholstery.

4. Deep Cleaning

It is a special type of cleaning, not the conventional one, that goes beyond a daily cleaning routine and ensures that all areas of your workplace are safe and hygienic. A professional company will clean all the surfaces in your office and ensure there are no safe spaces for bacteria or dust to accumulate.

You can never replace professional people and never in the cleaning industry. The cleaning companies also have been issues SOP in times of Coronavirus and they will ensure all those are in place as they clean and sanitize your space.

Image Credits: Gil Ribeiro

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