5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Clothes

in Fashion

Each year people spend thousands of dollars on clothes, and in many instances, these purchases are borne out of necessity.

Whether it’s for starting a new job or making back-to-school purchases for the kids, splurging on new duds has its fair share of benefits. Other times, though, clothing bought on impulse hangs unworn in the closet.

But by following these five tips, you and your family can look great while still saving money.

1. Make a Shopping List

Most people make a list before grocery shopping, and it makes sense to apply the same principle when buying new clothes. Go through your closet and make a list of any missing or desired wardrobe items. That way, you’ll pick up the white blouse you really need and avoid buying one more pair of black pants when there are already three pairs hanging in the closet.

2. Save on Basics, Splurge on Classics

The old adage “spend money to save money” applies just as well to investing your dollars on the classics. Accordingly, spend as much as you can afford on that fantastic leather jacket or pair of high-quality shoes, as purchases like these will look and feel great on you for years to come.

On the other hand, comparing different options when it comes to undershirts is inconsequential. After all, there’s little substantive difference between an undershirt from Target and a pricey one from a high-end boutique. Now, don’t go super cheap and settle for the paper-thin variety, but know that designer-label tees are largely a waste of money.

3. Shop for Off-Season Bargains

Whenever possible, time your clothing purchases to coincide with sales and bargains. Black Friday and after-Christmas sales are traditionally great times for snagging bargains. Conversely, buying off-season is another way to save on clothing. For instance, buy swimwear or shorts during the winter and look for end-of-season sales in January or February so you can purchase that much-needed parka or down coat.

4. Scout Out Online Sales

You don’t have to fight crowds at the mall to save money on clothes. Many brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers hold online clearance sales. Cyber Monday sales feature many of the same Black Friday bargains seen at various retailers — but, instead, you can shop comfortably from home while you kick back in your pyjamas. Don’t forget to search online for the likes ‘Black Friday deals 2020‘ followed by the product you’re interested in, you might find a third-party retailer offering exactly what you’re looking for.

5. Resist “Irresistible” Bargains

Retail therapy can be fun — in moderation, of course. Truthfully, there’s no harm in every so often picking up a cute top or a pair of jeans that fit perfectly. However, you should resist the temptation to purchase anything just because it’s on sale. That markdown jacket that doesn’t quite fit or match anything in your wardrobe will simply hang in your closet, unworn. That’s not a bargain; it’s a waste of money.

Saving Money and Looking Great

Clothing is a major budget item for many individuals and households. Kids grow fast and adults change jobs or need to replace worn items, or simply want to try on a new look. Now, there’s no need to forego buying new clothes — it just makes sense to employ smart strategies, like seeking out bargains.

Planning out purchases, buying off-season and timing purchases to coincide with sales, either in-store or online, allows you to buy the clothes you want and need while saving money.

At the same time, spending as much as you can afford on timeless classics is an investment that will pay big dividends. That great leather jacket or gorgeous pair of shoes will last for years, and you’ll look and feel great every time you wear them.

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