5 Essential Tools Every PE Teacher Must Have in Class

in Education

Teaching physical education classes in elementary school seems fun. But every PE teacher knows that you need hard work to engage all your students to pay attention in class. Most of the time, kids will only focus on your lecture for several minutes before shifting their attention to other activities while you are in the middle of the discussion.

Come up with the right exercises to teach your students to learn physical fitness and appreciate sports. Aside from making your classes fun, make sure that you have all the necessary sports equipment to have uninterrupted lectures. Here is several equipment essentials that all PE teachers need to keep in their lockers.

Gym Cones

Having quality cones is also essential for every gym class. Invest in cones that come in different sizes and functions. It will serve as a guide for your students to follow a specific direction during a class activity, especially if you plan to conduct the class outdoors. It can also become a useful station work tool if you want to set a demarcation line between students in one of your games.

Sound System

While it has nothing to do with sports, all PE teachers need to have an excellent media player and sound system. It will help them conduct classes better, especially if you want all your students to hear everything that you want to say. You can also use this to incorporate music into your lessons. The sounds can mark the beginning and end of every activity. It may also serve as a useful motivator to encourage each student to focus on the task at hand.

Gymnastic Mats

One of the most used pieces of sports equipment in PE class is the gymnastic mats. These items are not only crucial for gymnastic drills, but you can use it for other activities as well. It includes large group games and circuit training. If you intend to buy gymnastic mats, look for the variety with lightweight materials. It will help elementary students to carry it around the gym with ease. You must also consider the foam density levels to ensure the protection of your students in case of accidental falls during all your activities.

Fitness Tracking Devices

Other crucial items that all PE teachers must possess include tracking tools like heart rate monitors and pedometers. It will help you keep track of the output of your students during class hours and throughout the entire school year. These items will also help you make sure that your students are in their prime form while doing different exercise activities to avoid accidents and health problems.

Balance Beams

To teach agility and balance in your elementary PE classes, you must have a good set of balance beams and stilts in your classroom. These items are needed when doing floor exercises in class. When looking for balancing tools, check their durability to ensure the safety of your students. Each balancing tool must come with high-quality, sturdy materials. So make sure to invest in devices that are stable and built to last.

A lot of elementary students look forward to their PE classes. They view it as their time to have fun and games with their classmates. So make sure to turn all your PE classes into an enjoyable but safe environment where your students will learn different physical activities to keep their bodies fit while learning valuable health lessons as well. With the use of these PE essentials, you can have an assurance that your students will remain safe during your classes.

Image Credits: Nikita Kostrykin

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